You Need to See for Yourself

We need insight into the Unseen Realm. We need more believers capable of discerning what’s going on with the boundary line between our limited reality and the realm of Darkness.

A primary feature of our culture is the smoke and mirrors at the border between our mundane reality and hidden space where Satan and his allies are confined. For the Hebrew people of the Bible, it was familiar territory. Their culture included a recognition of the Unseen Realm as part of their reality. Our culture makes it all spooky and unknowable, something to fear.

There’s a great deal about our world that western minds refuse to recognize.

During times of tribulation, the border becomes porous. It has to do with moral cycles of human behavior at large. It’s reflected in the cycle of civilization, something humans are more likely to notice. We are at the end of a cycle; our civilization is falling apart. God’s wrath is being poured out on it. As part of His designed mechanism for such things, the boundary line between what our five senses can detect, versus what only our hearts can discern, sees a lot more traffic than usual.

Part of the reason our civilization is falling is because it was so fallen in nature. It was very blind to moral truth, more than any previous human civilization. And it doesn’t help that most people cannot comprehend that the Bible comes to us from an earlier civilization, with an awful lot of substantial differences in assumptions about reality and how to talk about it. Ours really does need to be crushed; God has had His belly full of our nonsense. Judgment has come.

The agents for much of that destruction is Satan and his allies and minions. It’s the harvest of the fruit they have grown. Never forget that they hate humans and actively seek our destruction. They are the ones who built up all the trappings of the West, all the obsessions that make us unable to see the moral fabric of Creation. They don’t want us to know anything about that. They want us to stay fallen and blind, to remain lost in our own useless capabilities. They seek to keep us from God’s truth and the gifts He gives through His Word.

God gave every human a fundamental ability to see the moral fabric of Creation. Of course, only the Elect, who have His Holy Spirit, can make sense of what they see. The rest of the human race can see, but not comprehend what they see. The West was rather like an experiment testing how humans would live and destroy themselves without any reference at all to that ability to see.

What we should see is an invisible realm in which Satan, some of his allies, and the demon spirits they have given birth are all confined. Our human space is part of their realm, but we cannot go there; they come here.

At any rate, the borderline between the two parts of this realm is getting very busy. The demons are traveling back and forth quite a bit. One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is an ability to see demons, to sense their activity directly, and to perceive what they seek to do. Some are better than others at seeing it, but we all have the gift of knowing about that dark side of our world and how it operates.

A part of my calling and mission is to help you see it for yourself, however much God wants you to see. This is not the kind of thing where I will see it for you. Your service to Christ requires you to see it for yourself, and on your own terms, if you will. I want to alert you to that reality and trust God to show you what you need to know about it.

The best source of information we have is in the same Word of God that calls us into His Kingdom. The big problem is making sense of the alien culture of the Hebrews who produced that record of God’s Word. We must understand it as they wrote it. We need the expertise of those God has called to investigate that culture. That’s men like Heiser and Pageau, men who breached the wall that normally confines their expertise away from the rest of us.

Don’t rely on me to read their stuff for you. The most I can do is alert you to their writings, to introduce the subject and help you gain the missing background necessary to wade through their material.

In the weeks ahead, our current Bible study series will end with John’s Revelation. After that, I will try to shift to a more synthetic study. Instead of exegesis of the organic passages, I will try to pull together scattered references in the Bible to give a more coherent picture of the moral landscape, and the Hebrew perspective. It will be more topical, aimed at addressing the peculiar needs of western minds trying to catch up with the wisdom of the Hebrew writers in the Bible.

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2 Responses to You Need to See for Yourself

  1. R says:

    Hi Ed, I’m rereading Heiser right now but is this the other guy you mentioned?
    He carves Orthodox icons.

    • ehurst says:

      Sorry, that was Matthieu Pageau, author of The Language of Creation. It was covered on Catacomb Resident blog as a series a while back.

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