Monthly Archives: June 2024

God Is Waiting on Us

We are called to speak the truth about what’s going on in this world. The Lord has revealed what is true: This world is fallen and sinners will sin. Nothing good will ever come of human ambition. Human ambition itself … Continue reading

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It’s Who We Are, Not What We Do

I’ve already laid the foundation: This life is an illusion. Our human existence has only one purpose, and that is to testify that God alone deserves all praise and glory. There are others competing for some of that glory, and … Continue reading

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Threats Abound

We can speculate all we like about what God is thinking, but the fact Earth’s magnetic poles are moving is painfully obvious. They are converging toward each other, and the mathematical models suggest the earth’s magnetic field will virtually disappear … Continue reading

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A Distance Too Far

In a discussion yesterday, we were reviewing the historical context of Acts 2, particularly the paragraph at the end of the chapter about the first few months of the church in Jerusalem following the Ascension. It was what we call … Continue reading

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Divine Treasure Is Otherworldly

I want you to learn the concept of the middle path. What I’m referring to is my expectations for the future of America. The US will certainly not rise any farther; it will also not collapse completely. Rather, it will … Continue reading

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Shaking Itself Apart

Basic economics: Do you understand how inflation works? Human activity in exchanging goods and services has limits. There is only so much exchange that can take place because of the natural friction of people deciding how to exchange. Introducing a … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — 1 Timothy 6

Again, Paul wrote this letter to Timothy while the latter was serving in Ephesus, helping to establish the presence of Christian faith as no threat, contrary to false claims of Demetrius the silversmith some years before. The city would soon … Continue reading

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Wolf and Shepherd

The quintessential man of God is the shepherd. If you see yourself as the lone wolf, then you are not serving God. You are simply a predator totally wrapped up in this world’s ways. You will receive only a wolf’s … Continue reading

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Western Punitive Vindictiveness

Every day I talk to people who struggle with false guilt. This is the weapon Satan uses to keep us from seizing our divine heritage. Let me remind you that a part of our western heritage is the odd mixture … Continue reading

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OKC Trail Report — Deep Fork Phase 1

This map is OKC Parks and Rec’s publication showing the relative location of the new Deep Fork Trail. The idea has long been to replicate the old Grand Boulevard Drive as a bikeway. Grand used to circle the old city … Continue reading

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