Monthly Archives: June 2024

Nothing Special Is Lost

A prophetic word for you… I’ve already hinted at this, but let me state it more bluntly: The end of the West is of no great significance in the Spirit Realm. More to the point, the coming collapse of America … Continue reading

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Nuns and Legalism

It’s very easy to twist things into legalism. This weekend’s community Bible lesson in 1 Timothy 5 is a passage that gets twisted that way quite often. Read between the lines, folks. Paul is writing a rather private message to … Continue reading

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Uncensored Search Engines?

You’d have to wonder if such thing as “uncensored search engine” is an oxymoron these days. If they are very effective in the first place, they are biased. And if they are uncensored, they lack investment. It’s easy to prove … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — 1 Timothy 5

The basic theme here is not obvious to western Christians. The first generation of churches were expected to act like synagogues. A primary feature of synagogues was to implement and enforce the Hebrew customs for extended family households; the people … Continue reading

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It’s Not the Same

I’m willing to bet most of you have never heard of The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey. It’s presented as a fiction novel about eco-activists using unconventional means to save the environment. It was published while I was in … Continue reading

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Bits and Pieces 36

Some interesting events this week. 1. Brandon Smith analyzes the NATO attack on Russia’s advanced warning radar. Ukraine could not do this alone, and probably would not bother on their own. The result is that, either NATO plans to pull … Continue reading

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Waiting on His Good Pleasure

Let’s get real about this: The US has been at war with Russia for several years, but it’s been a proxy war so far. At this point, it seems almost inevitable that the US will provoke Russia to the point … Continue reading

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Conviction versus Doctrine

Following the Bible Lesson passage in 1 Timothy 4, some good questions came up. In the early chapters of Genesis we have the story of Noah. One detail has confused people. On the one hand, Noah had to take seven … Continue reading

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The Mythology of Evil

One of the biggest problems we face in promoting an ancient Hebrew outlook is the cluttered field of lies contained in western mythology. All the way back to Beowulf we have a string of powerful evil men who, using some … Continue reading

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Nothing Special Required

I had a good visit with one of my readers yesterday. In our conversation, I was reminded of an important principle that I need to share. In the Radix Fidem community, we teach that miracles and prophecies belong to the … Continue reading

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