Opportunities Are Rising

I’m writing this late the night before because I can’t sleep. There’s too much noise in my soul.

I write my convictions. My human talents are just the vehicle; the content is from my heart. My heart says we shall have rising chaos the rest of the year here in the US. I said a couple of years ago that Trump would come back and it would be a mess. It is already. I’m still convinced that him back in the White House means the US will come apart.

One commentator sees the increasing likelihood of war, in the sense of mobilizing the troops, or at least some of them. And it’s not a good prospect for any military success. At the same time, another commentator says there will be another faux plague and drastic public health measures; Putin says the US will do it again to justify martial law.

One fellow said he noticed that Biden/Harris are not campaigning, despite having millions of dollars for the election. He says they act like either they expect to win again the same way as last time, or maybe they expect to have no election at all and won’t even go through the motions.

My convictions say nothing more than we shall have chaos, regardless of what happens. I’m keeping track of things many don’t notice. Do you know that police pursuits are getting more frequent, more dramatic, and sometimes downright bizarre? Other crimes are going the same way — bizarre stuff. And the big names getting caught for vice crimes are shocking. No surprise to me; I remember my convictions told me several years ago that the demons were being set loose on America.

Banks are queuing up to see who starts the avalanche of shutdowns. It’s because of the commercial real estate that is no longer filled with leaseholders. The buildings have been empty since the last fake pandemic, and the banks are losing money. Many banks are still holding bonds from back when the interest rate was nearly zero. Those bonds are considered just about worthless, and there is an awful lot of those bonds in the banking system.

And, of course, the national debt is incomprehensible. The US isn’t the only western country choking on it. France is getting there and Germany is trying to hide their own problems. Keep in mind that up at the top, the banking system is all interconnected across the West. When one gets hurt, the others start bleeding.

No, I don’t know the details of how any government will react, nor when. Of course, here in the US, the big issue is the elections in November and how far before that certain things have to happen in order to shape one or another desired outcome. Everybody has their own plans.

Family, we need to stick together. We need to pray for each other and plan how we can support each other. I’m not afraid, but the tension in my heart is rising; my convictions are jittering. That tells me that there will be an awful lot of fresh opportunities to witness our faith to others.

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One Response to Opportunities Are Rising

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    It’s gonna be a ride, for sure. Glad we are on the same team.

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