He Does the Work

Ref: Sharing the Gospel

We don’t need to sell people on embracing the Covenant of Christ. There is no need for convincing someone who isn’t already touched. There is no need to go knocking on doors or yelling in the streets. It’s not a sales pitch; we aren’t advertising a product. The only thing we need to do in our world is demonstrate the power of the gospel in our hearts.

If are obedient to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we will be on our mission field. The work we do there will be a matter of the mission He gives us, wherever we are. All we have to do is portray the gospel message, the Covenant of Christ. His covenant is summed up in the law He gave His disciples during the Last Seder: Love each other as He did.

By extension, you would expect to show some of that same mature sacrificial regard for outsiders. Just live by your convictions. That’s how we signal to the unknown Elect in our world, calling them to come home to the Covenant of Christ. Do whatever it is you do with a measure of compassion; people will know. And above all, His people will know. They are the ones that matter.

The Great Commission is not mysterious. It’s a command to baptize, which refers to a ritual of allegiance. It means we call people to declare Jesus as Lord, to embrace Him as Master. And then we teach them what He expects from His subjects. We teach them how to know Him personally.

All of that Decision Theology is nonsense. Just let them see what is required, answer their questions, and let Him draw them. That’s how He works. This is no eternal fire insurance; it’s just a matter of living the Covenant and letting people see it. The right ones will respond at the right time.

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2 Responses to He Does the Work

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Maybe a good summary?: “We advertise, not sell.” Put the word out there, but there’s really nothing to buy. We’re just putting the notice in the paper.

    Decision theology is pretty prevalent only in America and very westernized countries. Not a surprise there.

    • ehurst says:

      Yeah, notification is they key. There are various synonyms for getting the word out, and that’s the focus.

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