The Implications of Divine Covering

We’ve been chatting amongst ourselves in the community about divine covering. One of our members had a vision that responded to our shared impression that something substantial had changed in the Spirit Realm over the past couple of weeks. The vision dealt with covering and uncovering. On the one hand, the Lord specifically promised to cover His covenant people. Peace with Him includes that until He gives you a Word indicating otherwise.

On the other hand, He tends to cover others for His often inscrutable purposes. I have said I believe the Lord is raising up Trump to bring an end to the US as we know it. You would expect that the man would be covered until his mission is complete.

So, it’s not merely surviving an assassination attempt, but Trump is off the hook on his handling of secret documents — case dismissed. If the rest of the bogus cases against him come apart, or simply don’t accomplish anything, it would be safe to consider him at least provisionally covered for this time.

No, he’s not out of the woods completely, but everything is coming apart in the desperate effort to get him convicted and sentenced before the election. Sloppy it may be, but his protection is working, in more ways than one.

By the same token, it will mean an uncovering for some of his enemies. That would explain how Biden and friends can no longer hide his senility. The mainstream is now desperate to get rid of him, while his supporters are fighting tooth and nail to keep him in place.

And I would expect that, once Trump starts making progress toward winning the next election, the likes of Antifa will riot again, but it won’t accomplish much. That doesn’t mean it won’t get hairy in a few places around the US — we should expect serious violence to erupt from the opposition. But in the end, it won’t change anything.

That’s if you believe Trump’s got covering for the time being. Polarization has been increasing for years, but it’s now going to bear fruit.

This is the year of big entertainment.

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  1. Pingback: Trump’s Near Miss is a Hit | Σ Frame

  2. Pingback: Divine Judgment? - Derek L. Ramsey

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