Would Love to Have You

We could sum it up like this: We are the gospel message. We live by faith and conviction. We bow the knee to Christ as Lord. We obey the Covenant, and that is Jesus’ command to love each other as He does. Everything we do arises from that. In loving each other sacrificially, we send out the signal to the Elect to join us and claim all the promises of the Covenant.

We don’t know who is Elect; these are exposed by their response to our message. This is our family, our true heritage treasure. This is all we really want in this life; everything else is just a means to enjoy the fellowship of Christ’s people. Whoever you are out there, we want you.

If that’s not you, we are truly sorry. You have no purpose in this life, regardless what you may believe about it. Still, in hopes that someday the Lord will wake you up as His, we will find ways to show His love. That’s the only way we can do you any good at all.

On the way to that, we fully expect you to ignore us or even attack us. You have no idea what you are doing. Only in rare instances would we respond to your hostility in kind; it would have to do with guarding the treasured souls we already have with us. The response would be based on the context and factors you’ll never understand. For the most part, we will endure and forgive.

But in the end, there’s nothing else we can do to help you. We will be watching for your response. You must claim the Covenant and offer a plausible profession of desire to serve the Lord. You don’t need to succeed so much as be driven by His love. We’ll know.

Otherwise, we take no pleasure is your demise. You will miss out on being a part of our family, and we will regret seeing that. We would love to have you.

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