Until It No Longer Matters

As always, I put very little stock in human ambitions.

Out of curiosity, I have been looking at the various conspiracy theories regarding the attempted assassination of Trump. They vary in their approaches, with some relying on the audio analysis, others on the videos, and still others emphasizing the witness testimonies. The only thing they have in common is quite predictable: All of them indicate more than one shooter. Beyond that, they vary widely as to how many shooters and where they might have been positioned. Line of sight is a big issue at that location.

While I am familiar with that kind of stuff (Military Police investigations), none of it grabbed me. Then again, I know for certain it’s not what the media is reporting, and that the various agencies supposed to be investigating will most certainly lie about it (also learned from the military). What did strike me were two things: thoughts about the alleged shooter, Thomas Crooks, paired with the failures of the Secret Service and local police agencies.

Given the sum of what we can know about those two issues, it seems readily apparent that some agency with a lot of power wanted this assassination attempt to happen. Don’t get lost in the specifics: I don’t believe it would have mattered to this agency when or where it happened during the campaign, only that it did happen. Nor was the outcome for Trump that important, only that an attempt be made. Trump is just the figurehead, dead or alive.

It would tell us an awful lot if there is another attempt. I am convinced a second attempt would succeed, which would definitely shift the narrative, but not as much as you might expect. It’s not about Trump, but about the role he plays in opening the door for others. I’m looking more at the broad political effects, the kind of thing demons seem to care about.

At that level, Trump is just a pawn. The net effects matter more than the gambits used in the game. I’m utterly certain the humans involved don’t really know what’s at stake, only what they can get out of it. I tend to think in terms of the spiritual forces driving the humans. I see the hand of God and His opponents in the Spirit Realm.

Trump only appears to be the political Messiah. He is not the man; he’s just the best tool for the job. That he is currently still alive tells us what the flavor of tribulation will be, not whether there will be tribulation. If he survives and continues to campaign with Vance, the markets will tend to flourish. The US economy will appear to rise, but the underlying disaster of government debt will continue. The dollar will do well internationally for a lot longer, though it will eventually collapse. The Zionist agenda will be virtually unopposed, while support for the Ukraine war will drizzle away here in the US. Instead, Europe will have to shoulder the burden without us. Censorship will fall hardest on the anti-Zionists.

Trump’s election would shift the burden of secession onto Blue States. That in itself will be a huge shift in how the federal government will eventually collapse. If he fails again, we should expect more resistance from Red States. Either way, there will be a dramatic rise in violence, flavored by whichever side loses. The aggressors will be on the left. The only question is the tactics and troops they will use. Under Trump, the military will likely be revived; under Harris, it will continue to wither.

Keep in mind that the globalist left has already made it painfully clear they intend to destroy the US in a specific way very soon. The right (neocons) will use the US to protect their agenda until it has been used up somewhat later in the game. Both aim at destruction, but along competing paths.

Don’t get distracted; America is fallen already. The only difference will be the flavor of tribulation, a matter of which part fails suddenly or slowly. This is why there can be no single path of preparation on the human side. While I expect Trump to become our next POTUS, that’s not to say it’s a lock. You and I are targets either way. It’s just a question of how we will be targeted.

The left will not notice us too much; we will be lumped in with the “basket of deplorables”. The right will notice us as dangerous to their prime directive of Zionism, and their methods will be different from those on the left. Big Tech moguls may be mostly leftist, but they are also greedy enough to play along with whomever is in power.

The biggest focus for me is the continuing mission of the message online. I’ll do everything I can to keep that going until it no longer matters.

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One Response to Until It No Longer Matters

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    I suppose I prefer the righty version of a tribulation, but only because there are probably more regular folk on that side that lukewarm about it than what reaches our eyes and ears. But maybe that doesn’t matter. The left is less Z1onist but their tribulation will be harsher all around to the man in the street…which is most people. The flavor is irrelevant in the end, really.

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