Time to Place Your Bets

I get questions. In this case, the question itself is not important; it’s a matter of what it implies. We have a bad habit of not searching out the unspoken assumptions behind what we have been taught to think. To answer a certain type of question, we need to take a look at those assumptions.

The most I can offer any human government is some measure of conditional allegiance.

Fact: There is not a single government in the world that honors God and His revelation. You could make the case that there has only ever been one that did, and it did so inconsistently. Eventually that nation lost its advantage and has become the single biggest threat to God’s Word. All of God’s revelation is summed up in the person of Jesus Christ, and His teachings give shape to His will for fallen humans. The summary of His law is His own character: You must live in feudal submission and personal loyalty to the Creator, and you must live in sacrificial community with His other children.

This means that you must live in such a way among the rest of humanity as to mark yourself as His children. It comes with a hoard of promises. This is His glory. If you dig a little deeper, you’ll realize that this is our sole duty as humans to God and His whole Creation. Shining His glory is our sole purpose for existing.

Again, not a single human government in this world supports that. There are darned few that even allow it. Our own US government was born with a mandate to ignore our mission, but not to interfere. Over the years since that birth, the US government has become increasingly hostile to our mission. The difference between one party or the other is small when viewed from this angle. Both parties are devoted to false gods.

Those false gods are not “false” in the sense of “not there”. Rather, they are false in the sense that they cannot deliver on their promises. They can tempt and manipulate humans, and they can exercise a significant amount of power over our reality, but only because they use our power to do it. They deceive humans about the nature and extent of that power, along with deceiving humans about what really matters.

We who follow Christ are permitted to see these things. We are granted the power to do so as part of the hoard of blessings He promised us. For humans who have no such power, who are not moved to enter into the Covenant of Christ, they are still granted some limited grasp of the situation. They often ignore it, but it’s there.

People should be able to see that the false gods have led them down a path of destruction, chasing things that aren’t available. Broadly speaking, they want Paradise, even though they have no clear idea what it is. They seek the comforts of this world, a world which is inherently false, and is also doomed. If they had any clue as to what was actually possible for them, it would change human behavior radically.

Whatever that “possible” might be, it would include zero tolerance for materialism. There are different brands of materialism. The leftist socio-political philosophy is inherently materialist. So is the right-wing capitalist philosophy. But the left is by far the more dangerous of the two, in that it builds on the foundation of spite for human existence. Humans should know that anyone espousing leftism has already forfeited their lives. They deserve to be killed. Not just killed, but slaughtered without mercy — men, women, children, dogs, and personal effects. The threat is that severe. It’s a cancer on humanity.

The problem in our American context is that rightism is married to Zionism, another cancer that calls for sterilization. Sadly, no mere human agency has moral standing to cast the first stone at either problem. Only God could do it. That won’t stop people from trying, but they will tend to fight the problems without focus, because they seldom see clearly what the problems are. They tend to kill from a very shallow and short-sighted self-interest.

For reasons that would require whole books to explain, we are not in the same world that the New Testament addresses. This is not the Roman Empire, and the message of Christ is not new. What I can say in brief is that some of what we read in the New Testament does not apply directly to our situation. You’d have to dig deep into the Old Testament to understand that. Now, most people claiming Christ know this on an instinctive level, because they don’t obey the New Testament strictly. They haven’t done the digging in the Old Testament, so they tend to flex on things they shouldn’t, and we have, and will continue, to discuss this at length. The point here is that there is no definitive strict code for us in the New Covenant as there was in the Old Covenant. We are obliged to make the best of the cues we are given.

Should the next election return a lefty globalist government to the Whitehouse, I am far more likely to find myself compelled to take up arms against that government, if only to support my state government against it. I’ve offered enough cues on this blog to explain how I could come to that point. I am hardly alone. Please note that the entire bureaucracy of our federal government is already slanted to the globalist agenda. That is a big factor here.

Should the next election bring back a neocon government, it would face a high degree of bureaucratic resistance. It would be messy and even bloody at times. It’s far less likely I’ll see the need to take up arms, except perhaps against leftist thugs rioting, vandalizing, etc. But such a shift in government would also unleash a Zionist crackdown on public expression. There would precious little to gain from using physical violence in that case, and I would be far more likely to focus on information warfare. I’d be more likely to engage in hacking to get the message out.

As you probably know, my bets are on the latter case.

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One Response to Time to Place Your Bets

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “They deserve to be killed. Not just killed, but slaughtered without mercy — men, women, children, dogs, and personal effects. The threat is that severe. It’s a cancer on humanity.”

    There’s few on the American right who have the guts to consider this, bu I bet there’s a non-negligible minority who will do it in extreme circumstances. I should say that most normal people would be better off if even the top 10% of lefties were Canaanited with extreme prejudice.

    There’s a time for mourning for all of this, but ultimately I want a nice tub of popcorn and some water while we watch God take action with this mess.

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