What They Want You to Believe

I’ve written recently about what we can see in this world from the Covenant perspective that outsiders cannot grasp. From time to time, outsiders have asked for my take on current events, I suppose just as a thought exercise, since they rarely take my advice. Then again, sometimes it coincides with their own inclinations.

This past week, Brandon Smith at Alt-Market offered his own worldly assessment of the situation. He echoes the danger I see in leftism from a conservative perspective, and we agree that lefties are at war with America.

I agree the right will fight back at some point, though I believe he’s optimistic about how soon. That is, not so much in terms of the timeline, but at what stage of the conflict. What would it take to provoke regular people to recognize that it’s war? I think it will take longer, but I agree it will totally surprise the lefties when the righties respond appropriately.

If Trump returns to office, “This means a campaign of ‘monkey wrenching’ followed by riots, looting and disruptions in major cities.” That should surprise no one. We should recognize that the basic tactical organization has been shared broadly across the left in social media, so that they stand ready to converge on a scene, having never met each other before, and pull off a very strong show of force.

To this, I say to covenant folks, anyone with a calling and inclination to use force in defense of life and property should be ready to make them pay every time. Don’t go looking for trouble. By the same token, don’t worry about confronting them with tactics; just aim for targets within the crowd if it comes too close for comfort. In other words, respond to a threat to life and property, never mind why the threat exists. You don’t need to take sides in the political debate. Defend what God has given you in the fashion you feel led. This is about crime and stability of life, not politics.

For the outsiders, I should think their tactics would aim at defending conservative areas. When the riots hit leftist cities, they are fouling their own nests. It’s when they come into right-wing areas from the outside that conservatives should organize a militia to defend themselves. Your government will not do this for you in most cases.

It would be extremely rare that even a conservative local government will understand the nature of the threat and organize accordingly. Some few sheriffs might be that smart, but I’m not counting on it being common.

I agree with Smith’s warning that the organized destruction and predation can easily spread out into the suburbs and rural areas. However, we have a unique culture. Our biggest problem will be local gangs trying to get in on the plunder action once social order breaks down. Again, same as with the local governments, local gangs in the US are more likely to suffer from shallow thinking and petty greed. Gangs in the US tend to lack the kind of intelligent foresight that comes with ambitions to govern. They aren’t thinking in terms of taking over, just plundering and destroying. The danger is what however much organization they have is already there, whereas the defenders of social order will need to catch up.

It would be very, very wise for conservative local governments to start discussing the reality of this situation.

The biggest threat is the invisible one: governments in deep debt. The federal government is approaching the point where just the interest payments alone will devour all the tax receipts, and they will start borrowing just to service previous loans. The budgeting will crash, and government services will grind to a halt. That is what will set off the real firestorm, because the most rowdy humans in this country are on the federal dole.

That said, I am under the impression this issue is still a couple of years away. The more immediate problem is the purely political violence that will result from a Trump election win. Despite all the noise about Harris surging in the polls, I am pretty sure that the Zionists would prefer Trump. The Democratic National Convention could easily turn out to be a riot of sorts and nothing is certain for them.

What you see and hear from the media is mostly wishful thinking; it’s what they want you to believe.

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One Response to What They Want You to Believe

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “That is what will set off the real firestorm, because the most rowdy humans in this country are on the federal dole.”

    It’s hard for people to generalize like this, but it’s important to do when we’re talking strategically about large population samples.

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