Monthly Archives: July 2024

Eschatology Notes 04

Final comment on Daniel 9: Nowhere in the NT is this prophecy quoted directly. This is something conspicuous by its absence, in that no one mentions it as messianic prophecy. Jesus mentions the “abomination of desolation” which is found a … Continue reading

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Eschatology: Daniel 9

I’m going to plunge right into the passage Heiser considers most difficult: Daniel 9:24-27. He doesn’t even mention the approach I used in my published commentary. You can look it up, but I didn’t try to nail down too many … Continue reading

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Eschatology Notes 03

One more item before we dive into the list of key passages for the study of eschatology: Hebrew cultural expressions. For example, it’s an old established principle that Hebrew literature is all about the drama. They didn’t consider hyperbole as … Continue reading

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Eschatology Notes 02

Related to the concept that covenants can have invisible aspects is the whole concept of Two Realms. Heiser is obviously aware of this, having written Unseen Realm, and refers to it often enough, but he lacks the broad sweep of … Continue reading

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Eschatology Notes 01

I was watching the Heiser videos a second time, taking notes. He said something about a document on his website so I went searching for it. Turns out he had a set of questions he had proposed way back in … Continue reading

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Eschatology Introduction

In case it wasn’t clear to you, the Radix Fidem path is inherently Amillennial. The key issue is that we do not believe the prophecies and promises require that Christ establish a political kingdom in this world. That’s the key … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — 2 Timothy 3

I’m convinced that Paul foresaw the West in some sense. I believe he and other apostles could discern the dark plans of Satan and his allies to create a culture that would pervert the gospel and mask his evil work. … Continue reading

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Thesis on Human Folly

Sometime back in my college days I adopted the thesis that western governments are pathologically incapable of doing the right thing. It came at the conclusion of our massive course, Western Civilization History and Literature. We were required to turn … Continue reading

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He Does the Work

Ref: Sharing the Gospel We don’t need to sell people on embracing the Covenant of Christ. There is no need for convincing someone who isn’t already touched. There is no need to go knocking on doors or yelling in the … Continue reading

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Opportunities Are Rising

I’m writing this late the night before because I can’t sleep. There’s too much noise in my soul. I write my convictions. My human talents are just the vehicle; the content is from my heart. My heart says we shall … Continue reading

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