Interesting Times

I have come to believe that the elections, now just over 2 months away, simply aren’t that important. Yes, they will certainly affect us. Whichever bunch wins will have a lot to do with the flavor of our apocalypse, but it will be an apocalypse either way. As such, any comments about the election are speculative and are of small consequence.

Did Trump actually die after all? Did the bullet that clipped his ear manage to somehow take his soul, leaving the shell of the man? If you have been watching Trump lately, you might get the impression he was already dead. It’s not just the MSM propaganda; right, alt-right and independent sources have suggested that he is not himself. Trump always knew how to manipulate the press, so if he wants to be in the news, he knows how to do that.

Someone got to him, and it looks like he’s throwing the match. Not in the sense of bought off, but I believe he’s been boxed in by the Deep State and Zionists. He’s just a figurehead now and he hates it. What we are seeing is due to instability and in-fighting among those who actually rule America in the first place. The Zionists are not united, and the neocons are following their own agenda. Their conflicts result in the situation you see.

I’ve already said that I’m not getting any word from God on these things. All I can do is try to sense the moral currents of this world. Right now it feels like things have shifted since last month. Trump may miss the window; he has failed to seize the opportunity so far. It is slipping through his fingers. It seems to me that God offered him a chance to play the role but Trump doesn’t like what comes with it.

Given the current trends, he will not make it into office. He must turn this around very soon or it will be too late. Then again, it could be that we are about to experience something so shocking that the whole question will fade into insignificance. Still, it seems for now that we face the obvious threat of a Harris presidency (if we have an election). That will be nightmare enough. At this point, we should prepare for the globalist flavor.

We live in interesting times.

Addenda: If you have the time, this article outlines the conflict behind the scenes between Zionists and neocons.

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One Response to Interesting Times

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    I’ve read a few reports, not that I place much trust in them to begin with, that a lot of Harris’ rallies, are depicted as more popular or well-attended than they actually are. Who can know for sure? It’s all a movie.

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