How Will You?

We are not in the First Century Roman Empire, nor are any of us Mediterranean subjects of Rome. This is a different world, different culture, different times, etc.

Like many of you, I feel a deep sorrow over the evil men do. And it certainly seems to be getting worse by the day. It’s not as if God doesn’t notice, but He isn’t bound by our logic. His actions aren’t always obvious, and His frame of reference on time is far longer than ours. The whole point is that we obey regardless of the visible consequences, that we obey because it’s who we are. The outcomes will never be in our hands.

We believe that there’s no worldly purpose in engaging human political ambitions. No good thing can come from activism, if your intention is to make things better. That still leaves an awful lot of room for doing things that simply make a clear statement condemning sin. In other words, we will denounce the political system in words for sure, but maybe in the actions we take that might serve to disrupt the evil, and maybe even engage in open resistance.

We aren’t so much trying to stop it as to make it painfully obvious to all that our government is hopelessly and relentlessly evil, wicked, mean and nasty. Our government hates us and is at war with us. Oh, and to some degree, the same goes with every other human government on this planet. Not a one has embraced the Covenant of Noah as God requires, so all of them are invalid. The only issue is whether they make trouble for people in the Covenant of Christ. In the West, the rulers are determined to stamp out the gospel when they can’t pervert it to their own benefit.

I’ve already admitted that it’s conceivable I would use physical violence against agents of a US federal government that clearly hates us and is intent of destroying us. Millions of Americans have said it openly, so I’m in good company. However, it’s not as if I’m plotting any kind of armed revolt. I tend to de-emphasize that possibility in favor of my preferred form of combat: information warfare. It’s not a question of changing government, nor its actions, but of making lots of noise about what is good and evil as God has declared it. For now, that means mostly using the Internet as the way to conduct that warfare.

There was a time when Linux was just a hobby for me. I invested countless hours in learning a lot about it. Linux has become both less and far more than that. It has become one of the best weapons I have in the infowar. You probably don’t need Linux; that’s fine. But if you do, I’ll be glad to help you get it and use it without having to dig any deeper than you did into Windows. Indeed, given my recent experience with Windows 11, I’d say Kubuntu is far less complicated for the average user and offers a lot more choices.

And best of all, using something like Kubuntu makes it a whole lot harder for government or its lackeys in Big Tech to mess with your private life. If you choose to learn a bit about Linux, it becomes a weapon they cannot easily target for suppression. If you own a system running Linux, it really is totally yours; there are no secret codes held by super users at Microsoft or anyone to whom they choose to sell keys to your system. It’s fully your computer.

One more thing: All of those Win10 systems that cannot run Win11? Most of them will have no trouble running Kubuntu, or something similar, for many years to come. Indeed, some of your Win7 machines will probably work just fine.

Nor is this some campaign for free speech or any other human rights. I assert the divine mandate to speak His truth any time, any place, any way I can. I will not be silent. That said, you must decide for yourself what role you play in this apocalypse. How will you manifest His glory?

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