Mission for the Apocalypse

Human conflict will increasingly consume everything in sight. The nightmare has just begun.

Let’s review the knowns: Netanyahu is determined to provoke an apocalypse. It is plainly obvious from his actions and words that he desires deeply a global war centered on his country. He is desperately trying to drag the US into his petty conflict in hopes that our involvement will force the rest of the world to line up on one side or the other. It really doesn’t matter why he is so committed to this nightmare; what matters is that this is what he is consciously trying to do.

Zelensky holds a similar commitment for his country. He doesn’t give a damn about the people of Ukraine; it’s all about him and his war. For the time being, nobody is talking about whether Zelensky and Netanyahu are in direct competition or pretending to ignore each other. However, they do share a fundamental commitment to destroying the West. Their actions and their planning makes a lot more sense when you understand their hatred first and foremost for European people and all their derived countries.

These two men are Jews; both participate in this fundamental assumption that their kind are the only real humans on the planet, and all other races are cockroaches. Their people are divine, worthy of worship and honor. Because we fail to give that honor, they will seek to destroy us from within. They hate us so deeply that we cannot begin to comprehend it. They get all riled up when we dare to mention any of this. We are unworthy of even the knowledge, much less sharing it.

No, not all Jews are this way. Only the leadership is like this — the master planners among neocons, Zionists, and in the background of every globalist agency. They are playing both sides against each other; every current political agenda and authority in the West is their creature. For the time being, they have managed to squelch the broad social response to any other political opinion. Anyone who dares refer to them remains far out on the fringes of public notice.

If you understand the grip they hold on all things here in the West, then you are in a better position to decide what God wants you to do about the problems we all face. We’ve said it often enough: Political/military action will accomplish nothing that matters. That is their home field; God has given this into their hands for His own inscrutable reasons. We can suss out some portions of the big picture, but it’s fundamentally out of our reach. Instead, we are granted parables and models that we can understand in order to motivate and guide our choices.

Jesus and His Apostles have all said that Jews as Jews are inherently evil. Jesus’ cousin John, both born as Jews themselves, called the Jewish leadership the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9). They are the children of Satan. Here’s the odd thing: The best way to understand God’s will for humanity is to embrace what Jews had abandoned, the Hebraic truth to which Jesus kept calling them back. The adamance of their refusal was symbolized in the crucifixion. Individually, any of them will be welcomed back into the Covenant, and they will even have certain advantages over Gentile believers, but as long as they remain under their own false covenant, they are damned.

The only warfare that works against Jews is flaunting in their faces the divine heritage they have abandoned. This is the biblical strategy for handling them. Their ascendancy in human terms is meaningless; it is what God is allowing for now. They can attack the flesh all they like, but what really matters is how things register in Heaven. This world is Satan’s home and he uses them as his chief servants. If you were to kill them all, he would simply grab someone else and they would believe and act the same way. As long as there are mortals in this world, someone is going to play that role. Hating them is exactly what the Devil wants us to do. Don’t play into his hands.

The only passion we need in all of this is a zeal for God’s truth to be clearly shown. Don’t lose track of this vision. This is our reality. None of it will make sense on a human level; don’t expect to lay a foundation that is reasonable and logical. The only use for reason and logic is to serve the divine truth and implement ways to manifest it.

For me, that is currently a mission of words. The keyboard is my sword. There will come a day when that door will close; I’ll know what to do when we get closer to that. For now, my mission is to write the truth as best I can understand it. Everything I have and do is organized for that message. I’m committed to sharing it. What is your mission for the apocalypse?

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One Response to Mission for the Apocalypse

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    I suppose I do have a mission, but I need to be able to articulate it better; for at least my own benefit. Thanks for the prompting.

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