Telling the Story Again, Part 4

Political confusion is part of the wider deception of Satan.

It’s very easy to get confused about how the competing agendas of the globalists, Zionists, neocon, revisionists, and other Jewish political groups serve the broader Jewish agenda while arguing over how to go about it. The confusion is part of the Devil’s game. Jews were never monolithic in any normal sense that we would easily recognize. It’s self-deceiving to talk as if every Jew was on the same sheet of music politically.

The varied political agendas were never the point. All of them are demonic and defiled because all of them reject the Covenant. Any plan of human organization that ignores the Covenant is blasphemous and doomed. But it’s not that all of them are blatantly wicked and evil. Rather, all them are variations on the half-truth theme that keeps humanity in chains. They all have an element that calls out to one human or another, keeping us divided over the wrong things.

Humans must be divided and decentralized, but over the right things. Our differences should reflect a difference in location, climate, ethnic background, inherited traits, etc. We are supposed to be tribal. It’s not that we cannot mix, but that we simply must ditch the lie of cosmopolitan mixing. The simple truth is that some portion of humanity are not Elect and could never possibly live by spiritual principles. You cannot rise above ethnicities without the Holy Spirit. It is not a valid human goal. Without the power of the Spirit, it’s a lie from Hell.

Our problem is that no organized church will ever be restricted to Spirit-led Elect. Any assumption that such a thing could exist is blasphemous. Yet, even if it could exist, there would remain human divisions, and this is not from sin in the individuals themselves. Rather, it is from our situation in a mortal existence. God will not lead us to the kind of unity people imagine as “righteous”. Our unity is spiritual, not fleshly. By no means does the gospel require theological and practical unity. Christ transcends all of that.

When Jesus condemned His disciples for their petty dispute over what positions they would hold in the Messianic Kingdom, it was a problem on multiple levels. First was their obsession with a political outcome, asserting the dominance of the Jewish nation. They should not have even wanted that, since it could only come from Satan. But at the same time, He was castigating them for thinking that their human differences mattered. The whole point of having a child sit on His lap in that one scene was to call for us to focus on the Father so much that we didn’t pay much attention to everyone’s petty ambitions. We should be thrilled at being allowed to come along for the ride.

The whole point of the Covenant Law of love is learning how to live in the disunity that no human or group can overcome. Once we embrace this as normal, right and just in our mortal existence, we learn how to look past such things to fellowship with each other and make the most of what we do have in common. Do you see how the Jewish deception regarding ritual unity turns this on its head? They get a functional unity that ties them to this world. Nothing they have helps them to escape the flesh.

When you stop thinking that political unity is important, then you are in a better position to step back and assess the highly varied political agendas that Jews influence among Gentiles. If globalists think about Jews at all, it’s with some distaste. However, they often ignore the existence of the Jewish agenda and press their own. They’ll take any money and power they can get from any source.

Globalists are under the delusion that Jews don’t really care that much about their own ethnic heritage because all the Jews they deal with pretend they don’t care. We know that Jews would never tolerate uncontrolled mixing with other races, yet Jews have promoted immigration of Third World peoples into the West for centuries.

That’s because Jews hate whites, who are the crux of Western Civilization. All the problems Jews have had taking over the world in recent centuries have been with European nations recognizing the Jewish threat and organizing to stop it. Eventually Jews figured out how to harness the whites to destroy their own heritage by moralistic nagging about things Jews would never tolerate for themselves. Jews insinuated the whole range of Lockean assumptions, leftism, progressive agendas into portions of the West. They sold the image of global government and technocratic efficiency and communism, etc., to westerners. Thus, feminism, wokism, Green religion, socialist control policies, all come from Jews who would hate it for themselves, but love it for us.

But some Jews didn’t like grubbing around in the leftist stuff, so they migrated to the right and seized control, becoming what we call neocons. They still want to destroy America, but they know they have to play down their totally different moral orientation and pretend to be conservative. Remember, Jewish leadership sees nothing wrong with moral depravity of the flesh (it’s part of their ritual magic), so long as they keep the rituals in some legalistic fashion — legalism is the magical power. However, many neocons aren’t very religious in the first place. Many of them are followers of the secretive Leo Strauss; it’s hard to know their agenda except as a function of their visible actions.

Zionists are pretty obvious: It’s all about the State of Israel. But a very large branch of Zionism is called “revisionist” (revising the map) because they want to seize the maximum territory that anyone might have imagined was once controlled by Israel. Their notion of “Greater Israel” is a chunk of Egypt, most of Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, maybe Cyprus, etc. These folks appear quite insane with their egregiously fraudulent demands, a rather blatant Jewish supremacy movement.

Some of these folks are in the Israeli government. This is people like Netanyahu who genuinely want to start WW3, and they aren’t the least bit troubled by nuclear war, even if it kills their own people. It seems like a form of madness, but he’s not alone. Zelensky is cast from the same mold. It’s a class of Jewish leadership that is actually secularist, but committed to destroying the West at all costs, while pretending to care about westerners. They are pulling out all stops to drag the West into war. Netanyahu and Zelensky both are carrying a hefty dose of personal criminal corruption. This is still part of the matrix of Jewish identity, and part of how Satan uses them to foment chaos and destruction.

By the way, this is the Jewish leadership who are delighted at the most inhuman torment of prisoners, won’t hesitate to shoot their own citizens to prevent kidnapping, don’t bat an eye at massive slaughter of Gentiles, etc. Do you see the imprint of dark forces in their actions, the unimaginable rage and hatred for humanity? Yet, they are protected by the foul magic of the Nephilim whom they serve.

Killing all of them together would not hinder the forces of Darkness. This a time of deep darkness, even if this isn’t the End Times. The Nephilim have been released by God as agents for a portion of His wrath on sin. The Covenant is your only hope.

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