Telling the Story Again, Part 5

As a sort of coda, I need to add one more warning: Libertarian theory is heavily influenced by Jews, as well. Bits and pieces of it work okay, but the current teaching is deeply Jewish. That is, it’s what Jews want westerners to do if they can’t be herded into globalism or Zionism. Jews hate westerners and Christians. While they tend to lump that all together, there will come a time when they will recognize and target genuine covenant believers. Until, their whole game is destroying whites. Libertarian theory uses some of the worst impulses of white western culture.

Currently, a major element of the libertarian agenda is open borders and individualism. They promote ignoring race, which means they promote only whites doing so. All other races are encouraged to be racist and supremacist. Libertarian theory promotes removing all economic restrictions, which means that covenant shepherds are not allowed to protect their domains from economic rape. That rape inevitably means being open to Jewish economic sabotage and plunder. And on and on it goes. It all serves only one purpose: to weaken the West for a Jewish takeover. They are Satan’s Chosen now, not God’s.

They want us to forget Election, a biblical doctrine. It does not make sense on a human level, but it makes sense to God. He has His Elect, and then there are some other folks in the mix while we live in this fallen realm.

What is the most redemptive thing we can do for the non-elect? Is there a clear mindset that we can adopt that answers the mission of Christ for those who will never be among the Chosen? On the one hand, it’s obvious that we should pretend everyone we encounter could turn out to be Elect. We should maintain that same basic appeal that can only be recognized by those with a spiritual awakening. At the same time, there is Biblical Law for those who struggle with the Holy Spirit.

It’s not as if we have nothing to offer those who have only this life. That was the whole point of a covenant law code that the brain can grasp without spiritual awareness. Remember, the heart can function in moral awareness without the Spirit of God. It’s the one gift God gave all humanity, the Law and a heart to obey it. We might struggle to sell that idea to those who live in the flesh, but it’s the best we have for them.

Right off the bat, we must remind everyone that God’s Law is inherently tribal, among other things. Jews are slowly succeeding at shredding the West and white people using the evil magic of demons to prevail. It’s a magic of binding minds in darkness. The best antidote to this is simply stating the truth about Jews, and about whites while we are at it. Whites who aren’t chosen for eternity need to know that God has provided them with a collective interest.

Jews have provoked all the non-whites to poke at whites; this isn’t something native to any non-white culture. It’s hatred they were taught as a social weapon, same as racist whites wielded. They are all serving the Jewish agenda without realizing how it destroys them at the same time. They all need to cling to the very same sense of ethnic identity that Jews want to keep only for themselves. None of them have the Holy Spirit to give them the more powerful spiritual identity. Race is all that’s left to them, and it is required for them to live in this fallen world.

All the false substitutes for white ethnic identity were designed to degrade the one thing that gave whites the capability to resist Jewish takeover. Whites should have the same advantage as everyone else, but not greater. God knows that human warfare cannot be ended, ever. That’s why God’s Law makes so much of how to do war, not demanding that it end. In Christ there’s no place for that, but outside of Christ, it’s a dire necessity. The law code is all they have to bless their lives.

This was part of the lesson at the Tower of Babel. God will simply not allow humans to unify under a multi-racial central government. Thus, all empires will end in destruction. Decentralization is His will, period. The best humans can hope for, outside of Christ, is to build a tribal identity from the flesh. No, we don’t encourage racial strife. We do encourage racial identity. We fully expect strife to come for any number of reasons; we seek only to keep it within the boundaries of covenant law code. Racial harmony for flesh requires not mixing.

The issue here is standing up for God’s revelation. That business of “blessed are the peacemakers” refers to making peace with God. That’s what Jesus meant by it. Peace among humans is utterly impossible without the Holy Spirit. He alone drives us to peace, and it’s largely automatic when He’s present in the soul. In Christ, we know to reach across all human barriers; His Word teaches us how.

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