Monthly Archives: August 2024

Readiness without Limits

Do you understand the joy of testing? God binds the Bible; it does not bind Him. He is the ultimate free agent, the only one in a position to have His will every time in every thing. There are a … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — Hebrews 1

This treatise was written by an Alexandrian rabbi thoroughly acquainted with Second Temple literature, and perhaps that of the Qumran Community. We are assuming he wrote to Hebrew Christians in Rome who were suffering under persecution and tempted to slip … Continue reading

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His Sacrificial Love

Two problems — (1) It’s one thing to recognize the utility of simple observation and analysis. It’s another thing to imagine that your analysis answers all the pertinent questions. (2) The miracles of faith are extraordinary, and yet should be … Continue reading

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It’s Already Enough

There are plenty of times when silence is significant in itself. God is not revealing anything to me about the tribulation coming at us. All I can say for sure is that there will be tribulation. I can also read … Continue reading

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A System Recovery

This is shop talk; you can skip this post. The new laptop was doing something inappropriate, so I tried to recover my Win11 installation from backup just so I could see if the problem persisted. The warranty would not be … Continue reading

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Until It’s Ripe

The hardest thing is the waiting. The key is more than obedience. It’s not what you know or can do. It’s a feudal submission to Christ, a total commitment of desire for His glory. It’s a heart aflame for Him … Continue reading

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Saddling Up

I had another message ready, but the real world has intruded once again. I believe I should meet the need as it arises. I suppose most of you are aware that we are on the brink of war in the … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — Titus 3

The world is hopelessly lost. There is nothing we can do to redeem the human condition at large, even on a small scale. What we can do is show God’s mercy and compassion for humans in their fallen situation. We … Continue reading

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Be the Gospel

We give the nickname “bibliolatry” to the odd mental habit of evangelicals who worship the Bible instead of the Living Word. They invest so much reverence into the physical artifact, or the body of content, that they lose track of … Continue reading

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Ride Photos 29

Our first image juxtaposes a fine park area with an industrial installation. Things went much better today. With the fancy fabric rim tape, hard and thin thorn straps inside the new tires, I had no tire trouble at all. Today … Continue reading

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