Monthly Archives: September 2024

Not Today

Break today. The Lord is at work and there are things that take priority over the scheduled message. Tune in tomorrow for more on Bomans’ book. For now, there’s this message: The greatest miracle is when the Lord changes what’s … Continue reading

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HTCG 02d

Chapter 2 continues. Section C: The Impression of Things Part 3: Comparison with Plato’s Symposium Recall that the previous post left off mentioning the Hebrew outlook on human sexual union. What Boman only hints at in this part would require … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — Hebrews 6

This chapter is one of those Bible passages that suffers a lot from translation in English. It was bad enough translating Hebrew thoughts into Greek. It’s easy to miss what the writer is telling the Hebrew Christians in Rome. The … Continue reading

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HTCG 02c

Chapter 2 continues. Section C: The Impression of Things When a Hebrew text does address any sensory experience of smell, taste or color, we can usually pick up on the meaning. If we can make adjustments inside our minds about … Continue reading

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HTCG 02b

Chapter 2 continues. Section B: The Impression of Men Part 3: The Idea of Beauty Boman starts off here with a word-salad. Any attempt to discuss beauty is very challenging. We all know what it is when we see it, … Continue reading

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HTCG 02a

Chapter 2: Impression and Appearance — This is where Boman examines the comparisons between Hebrew and Greek thinking when it comes to portraying someone or something. Section A: The Impression of Buildings The western mind is generally obsessed with reproducing … Continue reading

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HTCG 01g

Chapter 1 continues. Section E: Collective Concepts and Ideas Part 2: Platonic Parallels First, a brief reminder here. I learned from linguistic experts that Greek, as with other western languages, tends to see language as a conveyance of content. Words … Continue reading

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HTCG 01f

Chapter 1 continues. Section D: The Word Part 2: The Word in Greek Thought Boman avoids the bigger question of “word” in Greek thought and restricts his explanation to what he considers the correlations with Hebrew. Thus, the only Greek … Continue reading

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HTCG 01e

We continue with Chapter 1. Section D: The Word Part 1: The Word in Ancient Oriental and Hebrew Thought It has been well established by many scholars that the image of word in Hebrew is not a matter of ideas … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — Hebrews 5

The Covenant of Moses was not the root of divine revelation. It was a distinctly temporary arrangement, solely for the Nation of Israel during a specific period of time until things were ripe for the ultimate revelation in Christ. Thus, … Continue reading

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