Monthly Archives: September 2024

HTCG 01e

We continue with Chapter 1. Section D: The Word Part 1: The Word in Ancient Oriental and Hebrew Thought It has been well established by many scholars that the image of word in Hebrew is not a matter of ideas … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — Hebrews 5

The Covenant of Moses was not the root of divine revelation. It was a distinctly temporary arrangement, solely for the Nation of Israel during a specific period of time until things were ripe for the ultimate revelation in Christ. Thus, … Continue reading

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HTCG 01d

We continue with Chapter 1. Section C: Non-being Part 1: In Greek Thought In order to logically corner the Sophists, Plato sought to define being further by defining non-being. It’s not simply the negation of being; it includes things merely … Continue reading

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HTCG 01c

We continue with Chapter 1, section A. Part 5: The Dynamic Character of the World Here I am compelled to reflect upon rather than interpret what Boman says. He points out that a major reason the Hebrews consider the earth … Continue reading

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HTCG 01b

We continue with Chapter 1, section A. Part 3: Logical “Being” in Hebrew Boman had previously mentioned the Hebrew noun clause that was often used in a place where we expect some kind of verb “to be”. The noun clause … Continue reading

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HTCG 01a

Note: Each chapter of the book is outlined into sections, which are in turn outlined in smaller parts. Chapter 1: Dynamic and Static Thinking — Again, the issue stands on how any separation between thinking and language is artificial. There … Continue reading

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HTCG Introduction

It’s this blog’s turn to review a book: Hebrew Thought Compared with Greek by Thorleif Boman (HTCG). The book was published first in German back in 1954; this is the second edition translated into English around 1960. The copy I’m … Continue reading

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