It Belongs on the Cross

A prophecy emerged from someone close to me: This past Wednesday was the start of many sorrows.

The source doesn’t matter; either it’s a Word from God or it isn’t. The issue cannot be settled by objective reason and facts. It requires you be able to read the moral fabric of the universe with your heart, at a minimum. For those who refuse to approach the questions from God’s point of view, there will always be a plausible deniability in every miracle and revelation from Heaven.

Further, the substance of every blessing from Heaven is personal; it’s a matter of your personal submission to God as your Master. Blessings might register to a fool as “nice” but the meaning of God’s favor will never touch such people. It’s not meant for them. They are simply collateral recipients.

We have been seeing troubles for quite some time. This prophetic warning simply confirms the timing of something significantly worse. For most Americans it manifests first in the budget impasse in Congress. No matter how this matter proceeds, someone will suffer sooner or later. The prophecy was meant to indicate the timing of commencement, and implies we need to be watchful of certain things.

The problem is what the government has done to bring us to this point. It hinders us from seizing our divine heritage, and instead forces us to depend on its own largess. Human government under the leadership of the Devil insists that we supplicate only the government. Our government has never been morally right in any decision since the first white settlers landed on these shores. The Enlightenment was a lie from Satan, and that philosophy is the foundation for the US culture and government. In biblical terms, the main flaw with the US is that it has never been under a valid expression of the Covenant, and never will be.

The globalists have promised a lot of things that were lies before they were uttered. It’s all a delusion. But Trump has equally false claims in his mouth, because he is wholly devoted to Zionism. It won’t matter if it’s globalism or Zionism; both are a direct return to the sin at the Tower of Babel — unifying humanity against the revelation of God.

Given that the US can never claim any blessings from the Covenant, the one and only thing left was the blessing of decentralization. There was a brief window of time when Americans could have seized the initiative and halted the centralization. That window closed some time ago. The day of limited national repentance has passed. I still have my old campaign sign calling for America to repent, but it’s just memorabilia, a relic of better days.

The only possible avenue of repentance is purely individual. There is no hope for the country. Destruction is inevitable.

Yet, it’s not proper to suggest that we can now sit on our duffs and ignore the wickedness in our government officials. Our warfare is infowar. If nothing else, we should loudly denounce them for their evil. But the denunciation is not aimed at provoking people to act against a government at war with its own people. Rather, it’s aimed at making clear divine revelation of sin so everyone can see the truth of how they have rejected God’s way. There is certainly nothing any human agency can do to change the course our country is taking. What matters here is how our lives serving Christ point out the sin of human government that obeys the Devil.

Christ’s greatest victory was death on the Cross. You cannot separate His resurrection from His demise; there is no resurrection without death. That’s why He came to live among us — He was born to die a grisly death at the hands of His enemies, His own nation. Our government is going to do the same to us who bear His identity in the world today. The reason we have a prophetic warning is so that you know to get ready for it. Keep an eye on the situation, because our victory over this life is at hand.

Get out the hammer and nails; you flesh belongs on the Cross.

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