The Birth of Globalism

I was asked to outline how globalism seized control of American politics.

I suppose it depends on who you ask. My answer has more to do with trends and influences because I adhere to the doctrine of the Unseen Realm as a frame of reference. I’m always looking for the fingerprints of Satan and his allies on the Divine Council. That’s our best clue to what defines good and evil in this world, and informs how we live under the Covenant of Christ.

Let me explain something first: Human agents are limited. To the degree Satan and his allies use groups and nations, the tactics are limited by the long tail of how such servants are steered to certain objectives. Further, the objectives themselves are limited to what flesh can grasp. If we were dealing with a return of the Nephilim, it would be a totally different story. Those creatures are not human, simply in human form. Strictly speaking, they are a hybrid of elohim and human, but the net result is that they transcend human limitations because they are not restricted to fleshly awareness and motivations. They have an eternal awareness, but it’s wicked. The rise of globalism was a matter of human agents, not Nephilim.

The issue with globalism as manifested in America is the result of fleshly agents, specifically Jews. Their agenda was published long ago. They intend to dominate the human race, believing themselves the only real “people” in the world, while Gentiles are just animals in human form. But in human form, the Gentiles have become more numerous and stronger than the Jews. Thus, Jews must manipulate Gentiles into destroying their own independence from Jewish rule. It’s a diabolical urge harnessing opportunities as they arise. Satan granted Jews a particular range of insight into human nature that most humans lack, and they have been using it since the time of Christ to insinuate themselves into Gentile governments as a direct result of God closing the Covenant of Moses and instituting the Covenant of Christ. The Jewish nation chose Satan as their national deity. Jews use their diabolical wisdom to their advantage, but not in the sense of long-term detailed planning. The globalist ideology is the long tail of opportunism in seeking to openly rule someday, but to herd Gentiles by manipulation in the meantime.

Others have traced the Jewish spite for Northern Europeans in general, and white Anglo-Saxon society in particular. We simply note in passing that they have chosen to target Americans first and foremost for destruction.

Jews didn’t necessarily plan for the English to colonize the American continent, but took advantage of it when it happened. The colonization developed along its own path up through the American Revolution. The primary Jewish activity through that time was simply to reserve their place in the new government. They had an influence in some details, but did not appear to have steered things overall until events leading up to the Civil War. I don’t believe war would have broken out without the leverage of Jewish banking interests playing both sides. I don’t think they controlled the outcome, but seized more systemic control from within the regime that arose from the chaos.

The postwar period saw the birth of Progressive ideals in human government. For the next 50 years or so, all the leading institutions of the United States were pulled together and synchronized into one agenda. It was necessary to work through proxies, so the ideology we saw develop in the Progressive Movement is mythology based on Jewish wisdom regarding human nature. They are using Gentile American government officials by shaping a driving ideology not entirely based on truth. It’s a false dream of glorious unity of all the world under their imaginary elitist wisdom and insight. They are being played for fools, lackeys who don’t fully realize they are disposable.

It’s not that Jews knew in advance how the details would play out, only that they have put themselves in a position to seize control when something breaks the right way. By increments, they have come closer and closer to openly seizing control, but haven’t quite gotten there. I don’t believe it’s going to happen all at once in our awareness, but it will probably come rather quickly in some unexpected way. In other words, I think it will not come as the dystopian nightmare that fictional accounts have suggested, but that it will come, and most people simply won’t notice.

Consider this: It appears for now that all the work the globalists have done building their system will see it hijacked by Zionists. If things keep going in the same direction, the government of Israel will become de facto the government of the US. The real problem is not the globalist agenda, but the system they built in pursuit of that agenda. Do you notice how no one is seriously proposing dismantling that system? The details may vary on how to make it work better, but no one is talking about devolving centralized government authority since Lincoln’s presidency. Do you suppose the Jewish elite will be happy with Israel ruling the US?

There have been windows of opportunity to break away from this path. Do you recall the Bundy Ranch revolt? If enough people had gotten involved at that time, it could have wounded the system fatally. Unfortunately, it was very actively hijacked internally. They should have expected that, but the real organizers were blind to what they were up against. So far as I can see, that was the last chance in human terms. In terms of repentance and gaining God’s help, I believe that window closed about ten years ago. There was a move of the Spirit back around 2012-2014 that almost broke out, but then was smothered in its cradle by church leaders.

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