NAR Bigger Than We Thought

Some of you may recall I previously mentioned the New Apostlic Reformation (NAR; also this). While there is some overlap, this is not the same movement as the American Redoubt up in Idaho. The latter is not Zionist; NAR is very Zionist.

I’m not in a position to investigate these things too deeply because I can’t travel to the locations and talk to the people involved. Of course, the folks who do travel and talk to them aren’t likely to share our background. Still, it’s all we’ve got, so we take it with a grain of salt: The Army of God Comes Out of the Shadows.

It’s a long article, but I think it’s worth the reading. So, instead of blathering too much here, I’ll let you pursue it at your leisure. The key issue I hope my readers catch is the emphasis on this world, and secondly the very Americanized outlook on the Unseen Realm.

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3 Responses to NAR Bigger Than We Thought

  1. Junia says:

    Lance Walnau is a blowhard & not to be taken terribly seriously.
    The writer of that article aimed to imply that it was the efforts of NAR churches that saw Pennsylvania swing to Trump – it was far more likely the efforts of Scott Pressler’s phenomenal grassroots voter enrollment campaign.

    NAR has been recognized for quite a while that its an unhealthy syatem of church leadership & there are many critics of NAR within charismatical churches. It gets blurred with charismatic non denom churches adopting the 5fold ministry structure by having an apostle leader connected to the church – but the church isn’t NAR in its outlook. So its wrong to call every church with that structure as NAR. The article was attempting to paint another version of the “dangerous rise of christian nationalism” under another name.

    • ehurst says:

      I believe I noted that we cannot trust the mainstream on this, but can draw our own conclusions. I do find Christian Nationalism a threat in general terms, not to faith itself, but a threat to my faith community.

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    I had forgotten about the NAR, but it’s not a big thing in my wheelhouse to pay attention to. Doubtless, dnyuz was waiting for the Trump election to post an article like that.

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