2000 Years of Drift

I turn once again to the matter of vision: What is Kiln of the Soul parish all about?

There is no way to summarize that in a single document, much less a single statement, as if we are somehow obliged to come up with a marketing brochure. The most important thing you’ll know about Kiln of the Soul are the people. We are the outreach simply by how we conduct ourselves in our lives.

Shaping that conduct is the teaching, starting with the Radix Fidem path and moving then to how it is applied by the elders in Kiln of the Soul parish. The elders’ vision includes a lot of things; we are elders because we invest ourselves in this mission. We are specialists in varying degrees, trying our best to absorb ourselves in the revelation of Christ. The reason it takes so much work is because Americans start out so very far from the ideal.

In the last 2000 years since Christ lived, died and rose again the world has drifted very, very far from things He was able to take for granted in sharing His message. His own nation had drifted far enough as it was, but the powers of this fallen world have driven it farther than most humans can imagine.

And part of that long migration away from Christ includes the very false assumption that where mainstream churchianity now stands is where following Christ has brought us. An expression of that delusion was the statement someone made once that following Christ shouldn’t require much of a specialized education, just read the Bible. This is a common contention that our English translations are adequate to express what Jesus was teaching.

The result is a vast horde of silly nonsense about Jesus, even to the point people actively resist and silence any effort to recover the frame of reference Jesus had as a Hebrew man among Hebrew people. The scholarship of grasping the radical difference between Hebrew thinking in the Bible versus American thinking today is why God calls elders and scholars to study these things. That scholarship is supposed to filter down from the specialists. Otherwise, there can be no body of Christ.

That last sentence riles a lot of American believers. They act as if Christ and His followers spoke English. They turn the Bible into a book of magic, trying to memorize the words, but never understanding what’s behind those words. They get to know a false image of Christ and defend that false image to the point they would easily crucify Him again, same as His government did for much the same reason. Judaism is a long-term drift away from the God Jews claim is theirs. They had redefined Him to the point they didn’t even recognize His Son. America has come to that place again.

Do you see our governments and our civilization fading and crumbling? Those things cannot stand because they are hostile to Christ in one way or another. It’s all owned by the Devil from the very beginning, reflecting his deception. Those things cannot stand.

We are striving to find a place to stand for Him in a hostile world. The effort to build a deep scholarship about thinking like God’s Hebrew Son is not aimed at blocking out people, but painting a clear picture of who He is and how to walk with Him. The only people outside the boundaries are those who refuse to come inside, people who demand that Christ shed His divine identity and meet them on their own terms. That won’t happen.

He is the Lord; you are not.

And we have infinite confidence in His power and leadership. The way we see it, if you truly submit to Him from the heart, He will eventually lead you to the same place we stand. It’s where He has led us and a lot of other folks out there. You aren’t required to agree with us, but we are all required to agree with Him. All we can do is faithfully discern with whom we should fellowship.

Here’s the bottom line: Just bow at Jesus’ feet. Make Him Lord; give Him your ultimate allegiance. Get the idea that you will need to nail your fleshly nature to the Cross, same as He did. He didn’t need that for Himself, but for us. We don’t mimic the literal action, but it symbolizes what we do internally by forsaking this world and it’s concerns, and embracing His divine concerns.

If you can do that, we have full confidence you will eventually end up on pretty much the same path as ours. Or, you can save time and hang out with us long enough to get some idea what we are doing. Even if the details are not for you, we are convinced you will find inspiration to chase the Lord back through that 2000 years of drift until you are walking with Him again.

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One Response to 2000 Years of Drift

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “Here’s the bottom line: Just bow at Jesus’ feet. Make Him Lord; give Him your ultimate allegiance. Get the idea that you will need to nail your fleshly nature to the Cross, same as He did. He didn’t need that for Himself, but for us. We don’t mimic the literal action, but it symbolizes what we do internally by forsaking this world and it’s concerns, and embracing His divine concerns.”

    Whatever disagreements believers might have amongst each other, this is the way forward.

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