Marriage and Tribulation Norming

We’ve already made clear that Jack’s blog is part of our Radix Fidem community. Jack is family.

One of the most important messages coming out of his blog is the catastrophic destruction wreaked by western feminism. What we have now in the West in general, and America in particular, is that the majority of females are no longer capable of marriage. Depending on where you live, men will not find any woman worth dating, much less starting a serious romance.

Women have been trained to become materialistic and self-centered, to regard themselves as goddesses for whom even the slightest measure of restraint is sacrilegious. I’m not referring to the social pretenses; that is also under their control. Rather, their actual behavior behind the scenes is insufferably arrogant and self-indulgent. As a social generality, something like 80% of all women are pursuing the top 10% of males. Even very mediocre women feel they deserve the attention of the socially elite males. Men who somehow fail to hit that 10% elite status get no attention at all until a woman has passed her prime, having ridden the casual sex carousel and burned out on romance.

Meanwhile, women are urged to avoid doing anything that makes them actually attractive to men seeking a serious life partner. Instead, women are trained to seduce some fellow with a decent income, have a few kids, only to them perform a divorce rape out of a sense of entitlement when she gets bored. These women have abused the court system, infiltrating it from top to bottom with their foul doctrines, until that entitlement is enshrined into law in every state.

In other words, American men are getting a raw deal in the romance and marriage market because there are no women worth having. The risks are so high that, even in purely secular terms, it is an unreasonable proposition to seek romance among American women. The rarity of someone like my wife is why we have the nickname “unicorns” for covenant women.

Paul wrote that, in his day and time, it was wise to avoid romance for a different set of reasons (1 Corinthians 7). He was single. My point is that there are cycles in civilization that affect all men, but that those who seek to walk in the Covenant are especially challenged from time to time on the issue of romance.

On the one hand, we can agree that building a Covenant life includes a very strong expectation of having families. On the other hand, that was never anything more than symbolism of something deeper. The Kingdom of Christ grows through spiritual birth, not physical birth. Jesus made the emphasis clear in His visit with Nicodemas.

Churches must begin to pay attention to this. The mainstream has become quite hostile to singles, because the mainstream is worldly and shallow. With Paul, being single was promoted as the norm in times of persecution and tribulation. What kind of “church programming” would have existed under Paul’s leadership, compared to what is commonly seen in American churches these days?

We need to pray and think about this, because while having stable covenant families remains the ideal, what is actually normal in context is something else entirely. A so-called “singles ministry” should not become a bogus matchmaking machine, as if being single is a problem. Singles should not be treated as lesser members. They should be cultivated for, and integrated into, leadership. Marital status should not be a test of fitness for calling and mission. There are high moral standards for either case.

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One Response to Marriage and Tribulation Norming

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Western/American women have no idea how good their life could be if they just filed down some of the sharp edges and stopped chasing the Chad who doesn’t care about them.

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