Creatures of Eternity

Our God has revealed Himself in the context of this fallen world. He has gone out of His way at great personal expense to reach out to us and not only show the truth, but to empower that truth to save us. He does all the work, all the heavy lifting, so that our only contribution is the desire to call on Him.

Once He does empower us, we are then obliged to live by that revelation and power. You cannot claim Christ as Lord and continue working through life as if He has no interest. If you do not demonstrate that He owns you entirely, and live accordingly, He might as well not exist. You would thus testify against Him.

Christ will not compete on a human level. He is Lord of all Creation. If you keep grubbing around on the human level, then you exclude Him. All your talents mean nothing; it goes to waste serving the Devil. And sooner or later, the Devil is going to exercise his authority and take what you imagine you have.

Stopping building on the sand. This is Christ’s warning to Vox Day and anyone else who aspires to the same things. Stop chasing man-made answers. Build on Christ, the Rock. Do you not understand that the entirety of Western Civilization is built on a man-centered orientation? All of it will soon come to the same end as all human empires and civilizations. Human ambition and desire is just a thin veneer for what Satan desires for us. We are empty and have nothing in ourselves; we are either creatures of destruction, or we accept the offer of Christ and become creatures of eternity.

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