Sorry, He Doesn’t Follow Christ

I have a burden on my heart: Bad times are coming, and will include a large number of threats we cannot imagine. I want God’s people to come through this with power and glory. I pray that people who call our Savior “Lord” will seek His face and be ready for testing. I pray that His people build on His Covenant message. I am praying for Vox Day, as well, since he claims Christ. We are assuming he is a fellow believer.

Unfortunately, Vox does not actually follow Christ and will not be able to dodge the bullet. His efforts up to now have been in the flesh. He should turn to eternal things or he’ll have nothing when it’s all done. That’s the same warning I give everyone.

In biblical terms, “truth” has nothing to do with the facts on the ground. Truth has always been a Person, our Creator. The facts on the ground are variable, subject to His whims. Reality as we know it is dubious at best. Our understanding of it is dubious, and the thing itself is inherently dubious. Our world is not real; it is an artificial construct, a simulation in which eternal matters are in dispute. Sure, it’s real enough to us who live here, but we live in a model constructed solely for a demonstration of higher principles.

Our lives are meaningless altogether unless we takes sides with the Creator who is involved in proving something to an audience we cannot comprehend. Though He does love us dearly as individuals, humans in the aggregate are simply pawns in a game far beyond us. Our human concerns are of no significance. Everyone who fails to enter into His Covenant are simply a living testimony against the Creator and in favor of the rebels on His staff in Heaven (see Heiser’s Unseen Realm).

So, I will give one example why I say Vox is working in the flesh. I return to the discussion of Vox Day’s SSH (Socio-Sexual Hierarchy): The longer I look at it in light of my convictions and the Word of God, the more disappointed I am by it. I regret promoting it in the past. The SSH concept remains an observation devoid of spiritual meaning. Yes, it seems to work on a secular level, but the only way to use it rests entirely on first rejecting and ignoring Christ. The SSH is worldly, a declaration that Christ’s Covenant is wholly impertinent. Anyone who uses it as a guide to living must first push God out of the way. As explained by Vox and his acolytes, the SSH rests on the assumption that there is no God who gets involved in our lives.

So, it’s not a question of whether the SSH is useful. Rather, it represents a rejection of Christ and His claims. At it’s best, it serves as a model of how humans are trapped without Christ. What makes it immoral is Vox’s claim that “it just is”. The assertion that it has no moral component is the sin here. It leaves men hopeless unless they assert some limited power of their own to change themselves, with only the thinnest hope of rising up the hierarchy. All of the advice attached to the hierarchy is secular and contrary to the moral structure of the Kingdom of God. It denies the healing power of Christ in our souls, His power to remake us on-the-fly.

Worse, it promotes a rejection of people just like the folks Jesus chose to be His disciples. Which of the Twelve were good men in the flesh? In general, they were losers in this world. Which of them did not need miracles to make them powerful servants of the gospel message? There is no SSH category for the shepherds of God. The SSH locks men away from such miracles, denying that they exist. There is nothing in it for the servant of the Lord. In the Covenant, miracles are the norm. The Covenant teaches us to rely on divine power to love people the way Jesus loves them (Christ’s Law), working with them until they catch hold of that power. The SSH justifies a vile hatred, rejection and abuse for people who happen to fall into a bad category on the hierarchy.

If you keep trusting Vox’s judgment on things, you must abandon faith in Christ. His rhetoric in favor of certain elements of the gospel, the ones VD finds convenient, does not resolve the problem. Satan is using Vox to mislead people to a false Christ, away from taking up the Cross of Christ and sacrificing for those He has chosen for His kingdom.

Nobody here is pretending to know Vox’s heart. It’s not about the man, but the virtual man he presents to the world. I’m careful to not call his real name, but refer only to the online identity. Whatever he might be privately is masked by his online persona. If the two are different, then he is lying to the world about who he is. Christ Himself commands us to be transparent and accountable. We can see Vox’s message and the effects; it’s about his influence in this world. He does not present a good testimony of Christian faith. His claim to being a Christian is effectively a lie.

Tribulation is rising; those who cling to the Covenant and humbly await the visitation of God will be blessed. Those who reject the Covenant will have no covering, and they will be subject to the whims of the Powers of Darkness. My point here is that Vox is not covered; watch and see his downfall. My words will not precipitate a crisis for him; it will be the hands of higher powers, things God has revealed. I cannot offer any time factor, only that this is coming soon.

I realize VD is not the least bit interested in this prophetic warning. I believe he has been hardened against the Spirit. My message is to others who might not be aware of the danger. Disengage VD and his works lest you be burned by divine wrath. There is good precedent in Scripture for warning others about a fake promoted by Satan, someone who lives only for their fleshly lusts and pretends to represent Christ (see 2 Peter). Had VD never claimed Christ, he would not be of interest. Were he to promote the Covenant and exhibit humility, we would praise him to the skies. It’s not about us; it’s all about the Covenant of Christ.

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