If you were a political activist type, I could recommend this article to make your blood boil. It’s loaded with claims of injustice under the US Constitution.
By no means would I dispute the account. I’ve had my own run-ins with federal agents acting in ways morally depraved — and I had a law enforcement background that helped me to recognize it. What happened to me was also quite illegal, and I seriously doubt that anyone in government would ever do anything about it. To this day, I can assure you that one or more government agencies are eavesdropping on my communications; it’s been going on for a long time.
Very early in my ministry, the feds associated me with underground militia types, even going so far as lying to random people in my area to see if anyone would confirm their empty suspicions. I’ve had my neighbors confirm to me personally these fishing expeditions. What the feds are looking for doesn’t exist, but they are too stupid to figure that out, and too clumsy to hide it from me.
That’s my point: The federal government is badly broken, and federal law enforcement in particular has very little credibility. Every time you read about some federal arrest — every time — you should be skeptical to the extreme. You should expect the most depraved lack of moral and legal standing for anything a federal officer claims. That won’t change even if Trump gets his way in reforming federal justice.
But it’s worse than that. I would say that everyone who participated in the J6 activities in Washington DC were stupid for trying to provoke arrest. There was nothing to gain being there. Indeed, it was nothing more than gaslighting by federal agents provocateur primarily as a false justification to go after Trump supporters. The protesters took the bait, and I’m not very sympathetic to their complaints.
This has been a case of two nasty idiots slugging it out in a mud pit.
My God is not behind either side. Both sides were prodded by the Devil so that he could generate even more human suffering and injustice. The J6 protests did nothing to help Trump, either. Yes, the formal certification process was what the protesters disrupted. Their noisy intrusion prevented the organized Trump resistance within Congress from doing its job of protesting the election results. By the time Congress met later, the Trump supporters in Congress were defanged. Almost nobody reported that angle.
On a human level, the masses will continue in their utter stupidity about how things work. They will be herded from one false choice to another, and there is no reason to imagine things will get better. The current right-wing enthusiasm about Trump’s efforts as POTUS will turn to shock when the consequences come crashing down on us. Meanwhile, the left-wing spite is entirely misplaced, since lefty dreams have always been lies.
The only proper approach is information warfare, even for those who don’t embrace the Covenant. Unless you have a well-organized army ready to slaughter the enemy, physical action is about as stupid as it gets. Just tell the truth and try to stay out of the way.
Reading the linked article…if I was asked by the FBI to do anything, I’d shut up and call my lawyer. Given that Daughtry had an extensive LEO background, shouldn’t he have thought to do that?