Trust and Reliance

Get ready, because here it comes.

It’s established in our US laws that our national motto is “In God We Trust.” You see it on our currency and in other places. Despite SJW whining, it is the law of the land. Of course, you are completely free to define “God” any way you like.

In the English language, His name is Jehovah. We can argue all we like about how that came to be, and whether He prefers some other form (implying that we should also prefer it), but the Scripture makes it plain He does answer to a wide range of names and titles in various languages. The question of His name arises from a legalistic background that never was a part of God’s Word. Rather, it’s like a ball and chain fastened upon us by a shift in intellectual culture among Jewish scholars sometime between the conquest of Alexander the Great (323 BC for Palestine) and the birth of Jesus Christ (apparently around 6 BC). Legalistic logic is actually the enemy of spiritual understanding and a hindrance to serving God.

Yet legalism infects Western thinking in such depth and with such subtlety that it’s difficult to describe. Even worse, the ruling elite of our world very much want you to believe that crap, and will pretend that it restricts their actions because such mythology is the best way of controlling us. If we imagine that the whole of our lives are circumscribe by some inviolable legal system, and that all humans great and insignificant are bound by it (including the elite), we are more likely to pursue that as the means to redress instead of keeping an eye on what those plutocrats are actually doing. They are a law unto themselves, folks.

But this mythology expresses itself in lots of ways. I’ve already dealt with the issue of title case as one of the sillier ideas constantly batted around various circles of conspiracy theorists. Overnight I received by email a link to someone ranting about how the current Pope is claiming to be the ultimate legal authority, of the West at least, if not the whole world. The breathless warning told of a recent declaration by the Pope that reasserts his presumed ancient Roman authority and that we should all beware of how it will offer some new oppression to us folks who yearn to breathe free.

Let me assure you that the folks with real power in this world are highly amused at how easily the Little People fall for that crap. But that isn’t even the real point here — Our Lord is Sovereign over His Creation. It might not be obvious to our Western minds as we read the Bible, but He does not work through any human political system at all. There is now no covenant of human government except the rather one-sided assertion by God that if you ignore His ways, you will take your place among the rest of humanity and seldom have a clue what He’s about. You will then act on all sorts of impulses that might only by accident coincide with His plans now and then, but otherwise utterly clueless of the underlying truth. We give His assertion a name — the Covenant of Noah — only as a reference point for human consideration. It’s actually a sort of roll-up of everything we need to know about reality after the Fall, and how to make the most of the situation. It’s a reflection of reality itself works.

One more time for those of you who missed it: The Covenant of Moses was a specific and restricted instance of Noah, offering greater clarity and precision, but also with a very limited application to that people, that land, that time in human history. Moses ended at the Cross. Noah ends at The Second Coming.

That and all other covenants were rolled up in the Covenant of Christ, written in His blood. That is, it resides in the Spirit Realm and you must first be connected to that realm in order to embrace it. Otherwise, whatever you can discern from Noah is what applies to you. And you probably won’t discern much because of the vast gulf of difference in how humans tend to see things now versus when Noah the man lived on the earth. The Covenant of Noah includes a mandatory intellectual approach all in the same package, and it is quite foreign to our Western assumptions. If you are connected to Christ by a vivid spiritual awareness, you are in a far better position to understand the broad history of Law Covenants and what they signify for human existence. Noah applies in the sense that it serves as the gateway to Christ, but Christ requires you to go back and learn Noah if you didn’t get it. We also learn Moses because it clarifies by specific legal precedent some generalities of Noah.

No, it’s not simple. Each of us called in Christ are obliged to spend the rest of our lives trying to understand the personal implications. One of the biggest impediments to this is allowing those who rejected their Messiah and executed Him to dominate the discussion about what it all means. Legalism is their baby and was the weapon they used against the teachings of Jesus. Legalism is not fundamental to reality; Ancient Hebrew Mysticism is fundamental to reality. It is our duty to trust in the God who made things and rely on His revelation to explain it. We do not listen to the wild mythology of folks who are deeply rooted in Western mythology.

This is the way you answer all that crazy nonsense, which will most certainly come thicker and faster as the current global governing system comes apart.

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