Divine Tactics

If your conscious focus is not in the heart-mind, none of this will make any sense at all.

In the previous post, I left you with the understanding that Zionism does its work in darkness. If Zionists act in full daylight, the world instinctively reacts with revulsion and denunciation. It’s not so much that the world is right, but that Zionism is so wrong. This reflects how Zionism is a tool of The Cult.

You and I are free to discuss our agenda and tactics in full public view. To most people we sound like nuts. But to the degree anyone begins to understand, they realize there is nothing humans can do to stop us. That’s because our entire focus is above this realm of existence. We eschew the choice made in the Fall; the decisions of our lives are made far above this world. Whatever makes sense on this fallen level is for us mere context, a collection of reference points against which we react with divine justice. Miracles are not a departure from reality, but a restoration of reality that has been twisted and perverted by fallen human reason and lusts. The greatest miracle of all is God breathing His Spirit into your dead spirit, and the second greatest miracle is the awakening of your heart consciousness.

Insofar as magic (as opposed to miracle) changes anything, it perverts and twists — it deceives, steals and destroys on some level. On the one hand, we realize that true mystical Christian believers are rather few in this world, particularly with the dominance of Western culture. On the other hand, those clinging to the dark mysticism are even fewer. They are wolves and we are shepherds. We can overpower them with great ease, but they are convinced they are winning because of their confusion. Their hearts are active, but perverted and dark. They believe that they are the only ones who understand the higher realm of heart-mind operations, though they are unlikely to use that kind of language.

The Cult participates in the Dark Mysticism. My reference to The Cult is simply a way of organizing what we can know about Satan’s work among humans. To the degree there is a religion that follows the Devil, The Cult is it. Granted, a great many people claim to be “Satanists” but virtually none of them step outside the Western frame of reference. Then again, we could say the same about the vast majority of Christians, too. Whether or not The Cult is a literal human organization doesn’t matter; it gives focus to how Satan has infiltrated everything throughout human history. Our Enemy’s work is fairly consistent and predictable, as is our defense against it.

When we walk in divine justice from the heart-mind, Satan is not permitted to do much to us. There are exceptions for reasons beyond us (see the Book of Job), but we generally evade the worst of human suffering one way or another. We start by not caring much about this fallen existence. In Revelation 12:11 we should discern that our deliverance was purchased at a cost we could hardly meet (the Blood of the Lamb), implemented through obedience to the Word of the Lamb, and which results in a focus on the realm of the heart, not of the flesh. The heart-realm or Moral Realm is a perceptual buffer zone or boundary layer, the level at which the Spirit Realm touches the Fallen Realm. The Realm of the Spirit touches us in the heart-mind, not in the flesh-mind.

So our focus is not in this world; this is just where we manifest truth from a higher plane. Satan is confined largely to operating in this realm of existence. The critical point here is that everything we value is out of Satan’s reach, and by extension, outside the reach of The Cult. Our tactics are primarily keeping ourselves on that higher focus, gradually bringing more and more of our conscious awareness and existence into harmony with God’s moral character.

If you organize it, The Cult will infiltrate it. They might use any number of proxy layers to do it, but I can assure you that if you give anything a name and a physical shape, The Cult is pulling strings there. The Cult managed to hijack Judaism, then Christianity, and eventually Islam, as well. It’s not hard to examine the activities of people who claim those religions and see evil at work. You will still see decent human beings, but to the degree that they subject themselves to their organization, they are morally compromised.

Were we to organize in the flesh, the strongest and safest path to follow is that of the covenant family — an expression of Ancient Near Eastern feudalism. While it’s not impervious, it is what God commanded and what He protects. It is the single most consistent way to organize human flesh in accordance with the way God made us and all Creation. To the degree we keep it close to God’s moral character, it will resist The Cult. But as a virtual parish online, we offer even less of a target than that. We aren’t organized at all; we are simply affiliated by some limited affinity. We don’t have to rely on any human to coordinate our activities. The members are supposed to avoid conforming to anything at all that a human mind could recognize. What holds us together is in the heart’s moral realm, invisible to the intellect. So, for example your membership in this virtual parish is not based on any defining factors at all, aside from your say so at any given moment: “I am a member.”

The true nature of spiritual and moral conflict in this world is not some kind of Manichaeism where the Dark Side is equal in power. The Dark Side holds some twisted weak grasp on real power and keeps trying to use it to change things that any human could understand of this realm of existence. They keep trying to sneak back into Eden without having to deal with the Flaming Sword. They aren’t confined to intellect, but their hearts are dark and confused; they don’t have a grasp on ultimate reality. If you reject revelation, that’s about as powerful as you can get. God permits Satan some pitiful authority to make stuff happen that most humans don’t comprehend, but it cannot do us any real harm (Exodus 7:10-13).

We cannot change anyone’s mind; God alone does that. Rather, we seek to bring our own minds into subjection of the heart-mind set on Christ.

(Note: Let’s do ourselves a favor and try to understand that Scripture doesn’t condemn everything that falls under the label of “pagan.” Westerners read a legalistic absolutism back into the fuzzy Hebrew reasoning about such things and completely miss the point. Paganism is simply misguided, and some pagan mythology does approach the truth. How you should react to it depends on the context and whether or how much it interferes with your divine mission. Need I state the obvious? Western Civilization is pagan, built on Greco-Roman pagan philosophy and Germanic pagan mythology. That means a great deal of Western Christianity is more pagan than Christian.)

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0 Responses to Divine Tactics

  1. omega says:

    My heart has become aware of many themes related here, but I want to offer some context based on my experience and direct presence in the other plane. Even in the evil, God’s purposes are fulfilled, so we are all helping bring creation into perfection. The Dark serves the Light and creates tension for us to grow, whether it accepts its role or not. As you grow in this Divine Love your compassion will grow for All as well. Whether you accept it, there are levels of awareness and you can stop in a ring and think you see all. But we must accept there are things we will never know here in this plane. I am OK with that. Be careful focusing on evil too much, it is not the problem, but part of the healing of creation. Do your spiritual work, as you so clearly describe and the rest will take care of itself 😉

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Thanks for commenting, Omega. Perhaps your choice of wording was clumsy (as mine can be at times), but you run the risk of suggesting we can allow ourselves to do evil without risking God’s wrath. There is such a thing as sin. I do teach that a change in context can make the same act evil one time and good another, but that’s highly theoretical. There are some things I could never justify in seeking a clear conscience before the Lord. It’s not for me to decide what another person’s individual conscience should register, but I do reject the rootless nonsense associated with Gnosticism. I hope that’s not where you are going, because that means I’ll have to be much more guarded about your comments here. If I’m getting you wrong, please correct me.

  2. omega says:

    My heart is in my poems. You can judge for yourself, there is no judgement in me. http://quantumunderground.com/2015/11/02/love-flows-down/ I am certainly not advocating or embracing darkness. No secret knowledge. I'[m a Yeshua Mystic I suppose. There are things you learn in the mind and others in the Spirit. I meant, the darkness serves a divine purpose to help us challenge it in us and grow, but we are to live in Love and the Light, but people have a tendency to always see evil as the opposite of Light, it is contained by the Light is my understanding and experience.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Ah, that makes more sense. I suppose I wouldn’t use the word “evil” as you do in that context, but we all have our preferred parables and expressions. I’ve stated often enough that Satan is God’s Jailer and Lictor, a faithful servant. We are fallen, born in darkness. To escape the Jailer, we have to react to the darkness and chase the light.

  3. omega says:

    Darkness or self ego are better words than evil maybe. Your understanding is correct in my experience, I am not totally up to speed on all your content. The Zen Buddhists would say there is no good or evil just clear and opaque. I see it that way too. The spirit has brought and brings clarity if sought with loving intent. You have some interesting content that resonates with my spirit. I have found some same Truth being still and following a contemplative path. I had a question if you didn’t mind some 1:1 communication, garzparz@gmail.com. Feel free anytime. Peace.