Let’s assume for a moment the best prognosis for my knee. When the City finally pays out and I get my bike back, I still can’t afford to go off on long rides. This thing with my heart means I have to stay close in travel time to medical help. I can ride, but not all that far out into the boonies. I could go out there if I could drive, or maybe ride a scooter or something, but long bike rides are out for a while, if not altogether.
The workouts I do at home are probably good enough as far as exercise goes, but sitting on a chair in the breezeway outside my door is a poor replacement for standing out in the wind-swept countryside. This all requires some mental adjustment. And I still have to find the inspiration that used to come so easily out on those long rides. I most certainly do intend to be back out there once the knee gets better, but I still have lots of time here.
So I’ve decided to fill some of the time with turning that Answering series from this past April into a book. It requires some rewrite, and I’m pasting in that article I wrote for “Trending” as the intro. I’m still waiting for help on the Radix Fidem booklet, too. But this Answering book will be a longer piece and might serve to introduce our religion more specifically.
Pray with me about these things.
Will do.