Politics: More Than a Mere Spoiler

Anyone who has read here much knows I am utterly cynical about politics here in the US. I doubt it has ever really been a matter of who actually had voter support, but has always been manipulation and bullying. You see it in unions and union-busting, you see it almost every local election, and you saw it most clearly in Ron Paul’s run as a Republican. Review the alternate news reports from the last presidential primaries, and you’ll understand it was pure thuggery in the Republican Party. It continues today, as the Republicans try to hijack the Tea Party movement.

If you accept the understanding truth can’t possibly win, and change your goals to fit reality, you might consider doing things a little differently. Nothing man can do will ever put this world right. The best we can hope for is revealing the truth. Most of us will have nothing to do with politics because we have a calling in another direction; we don’t have time. But if you sense God moving you, prepare your heart to seek truth on His terms, not on anyone else’s terms. Our goal is consistent in making sure God’s viewpoint comes across. It’s bad enough this nation rejects the biblical mandate of the Covenant of Noah. We can’t even keep the nation honest about adhering to the US Constitution we do have. Yet we continue to have this massive deception about that, as if somehow things are just fine. The most important thing we can do at this point is to remove that false covering, to expose the wholesale corruption.

This is not about being spoilers, who seem to be saying, “If I can’t have it my way, I’ll destroy the game.” No, don’t even play the game. When people start slinging accusations of “sore loser,” don’t respond. You aren’t a sore loser if you refuse to play games. Nor should you be silly enough to be a true believer in anything on this earth. This is not about religion, nor about worldly-wise campaign strategy, which is what got us here in the first place. This is about the truth this world can never attain. Don’t even pretend you have a vested interest in fixing things. The only thing we can hope for is clarity and revealing the facts. Then, when it all comes crashing down, no one has an excuse for pretending they didn’t know.

If you can find a way, get involved. Sure, give money to folks like Debra Medina in Texas. Check out the videos of her talking at YouTube. She’s got one of the few honest approaches to what’s required by the US Constitution. And if Ron Paul runs again, go ahead and get involved if you can, at whatever level you can.

But let your involvement be a commitment to truth, not simply winning at all costs. When things start heading toward “smart campaigning,” put it back on track. Don’t hesitate to report very bluntly and honestly your best understanding of what the campaign claims, what the candidate is trying to support, what they are calling for. Go radical in presenting the truth; don’t dither and hem-haw around. You know what the Constitution says. If it so happens we can return to genuine constitutional government, so much the better. If not, everyone should know we are rejecting it, exchanging it for toilet paper.

This will surely destroy the mainstream partisans’ plans, and you will be targeted for all sorts of nastiness. Were you aware some of Ron Paul’s delegates at the convention were physically assaulted? At least one was killed, but that was hushed up quickly, blamed on some other cause of death. You should expect worse, because I assure you, the Republican leadership are true ogres, monsters without a conscience. And if you happen to promote something similar among Democrats, just keep in mind the union thugs. All they want is power and wealth, and truth is a joke to both sides.

You’ll be treated like a spoiler, but you’ll know you are aimed at something far higher.

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