Cut-off Warning

I find quite plausible this story projecting Internet disruptions. Indeed, the linked article is merely one of the easiest to read, as the warnings are all over the tech sites I read. The problem is that consumers have a bunch of junk toys connected to the Internet, and those toys have zero security. Millions of them have already been hijacked and are under the remote control of criminals, and the owners either don’t care or truculently refuse to fix their devices. When a sample of folks who own these devices are queried, they deny that it matters; they don’t want to know. As long as it does what they want it to do, you can’t convince them to take any action on devices they no longer actually control.

But the electronic smothering (DDoS) is hardly the only type of threat. What has long been called “hacktivism” is just getting started — politically motivated activist hacking of computers and such. It’s not a mere matter of criminal profit. For example, I fully expect the globalists have already started on a major hacking campaign. The only reason we haven’t seen or heard more about it is a peculiarity of globalist arrogance; up to now globalists have consistently been utterly stupid about computers. The bungled private server of Hillary Clinton is just an example. She hired “experts” who were so technically incompetent you have to wonder how they stayed in business. But Clinton’s demands for personal convenience made it only worse. Did you know that the cracking of Podesta’s email account was made possible by his use of “password” as his password? I assure you this is typical of globalists, even more so than the general public.

So the globalist elites will have to farm this campaign out and it won’t be quick to take shape, but it will get nasty soon enough. Granted, they are already behind the curve, having already provoked a great many low-level hacktivists, but globalist money can buy a lot of criminal hacking. This kind of stuff cannot avoid hitting innocent bystanders and it will escalate until some unguessable point of exhaustion. In the process, a lot of other agendas will take advantage of the electronic chaos. The globalists won’t be the only nasties out there wreaking havoc.

To the degree you find your Internet access important to your divine calling, it’s past the time you should have taken measures to secure you access. I’ve mentioned all kinds of things about that already and I worry that it will sound alarmist.

So today I want to draw attention to something that is fundamental to our parish here: Build up your Kingdom service in other ways. That is, lay the foundation we have taught from the day one on this blog and prepare to stand without this blog. I’ve never sought to make anyone dependent on me. Moral independence and self-reliance in faith is the whole point of what we do here. If you haven’t heeded my advice about networking security already, it may be too late, but it’s never too late to reassess whether you are ready to stand alone in God’s power where you are in meat space.

I’m going to keep posting as long as it’s possible; that’s part of my calling. I’m also being patient as the pulpit blog (edit: now closed) is being rebuilt so that we have two independent gathering points. And on that third, more political blog, I’ll be posting today about how to use Xubuntu as a stronger defense than is possible with running Windows. However, the whole point here is that you take what you need and develop a free-standing faith and ministry of your own.

But we all need shepherding from time to time to time, and you can reach me outside this blog. For email, pick one:

If you think you’ll need my phone number, ask me using one of those email addresses. You can text me using that number, as well. And don’t forget, your humble elder loves to hear from you for his own sake, so don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation. We are stronger together, but only if you are seeking to stand strong in the Lord first.

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