Never Wrong

The alternative and underground news sources are loaded with stories of various plans to permit more and more use of force against ordinary folks. Naturally there are a thousand justifications for all this. Even the Pentagon is now revealing plans to deal with “Widespread civil violence inside the United States” using troops. You’ll notice, even the most egregious acts of oppression, the government officials always insist their agents did nothing wrong. Surely we have seen a lot of this over the past few years.

Stop and think about this for just a moment. No, really — stop and think about it. This isn’t about various valid disputes coming from the government, saying, “Well, it didn’t happen that way.” Too much of this is caught on video and attested by witnesses. Not one government agent has ever apologized until someone put a gun to their heads. Never. Put on the vestments of office and you are no longer a fallible human; you are perfect and righteous, and everyone else is wrong.

How many people will realize, for example, the unrest in Greece is not just a tiny group of rowdies, but a genuine reflection of the sentiment a majority of citizens? Does anyone realize they actually have a beef? The shooting of that teenager was not the cause, but the last straw of a long train of abuses. The bankers and their chosen proxies in government have long been turning a deaf ear to the concerns of the population in Greece. As with the US, the elections are a sham. Here, of course, voters are manipulated by media deceptions. When that doesn’t work, the elections are simply fixed via the process of counting votes. Yes, it has been happening here for a very long time, even down to the level of dog-catcher. Here as in Greece, the system is closed, and no one gets into government without being approved by the apparatus. This is what the Greek riots are about, and you’ll notice banks are taking a lot riot damage because bankers are running the country.

They pretty much run the whole world. No, that’s not just some silly conspiracy theory or editorial comment. It’s too easy to prove, so if you don’t understand it, it’s because you purposely avoid learning about it. It’s the same old elitist tyranny we’ve seen since the Garden of Eden, with the Tower of Babel the earliest known symbol. It wasn’t just poor judgment on the part of those four policemen in Galveston, but a deep sickness in the civil institutions of our nation. These men truly believe they are right, and the officials truly believe this is all fully justified. They may well settle out of court, but we will still have at least four truly dangerous thugs running around terrorizing citizens under the color of authority. They’ll do this sort of thing again, and again, and again. It’s happening in communities all over the world.

So tell me: How in the world do we stop this? Elections? You’d have to be stupid to think that. The system is broken. It won’t stop until a bunch of the current crop of government folks are dead. I don’t mean retire and die of old age, either. That just perpetuates the system with new and worse thugs taking their place. No, it’s going to require a violent uprising. There is no longer the least possibility of peaceful change. The cancer has spread too far, too deep. You and I do not have to advocate violent resistance — it’s going to happen anyway. The fault lies at the feet of those who run the system, and they have put us in a bind, we who would prefer a peaceful and orderly society. Very soon, we may be forced to take sides. It would be a denial of the Blood of Christ to side with oppressive government, but I’m not too fond of revolutionaries, either. I don’t look forward to that moment.

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