Oklahoma Prisons Break(down)

I live in Oklahoma, and my son works in one of the numerous prison facilities in this state. It’s not that I have an interest, so much as I know intricately the details of this idiocy.

What we have here reflects a broader madness in America as a whole. The entire War on Drugs is fake, because our own government is shipping that crap in by the tons. The only function of the DEA is to crack down on independent entrepreneurs in supplying the bottomless demand of the American consumer. That demand is cultivated by government officials creating the mindset chemicals will fix any problem. Meanwhile, the CIA receives the majority of their funding from a world-wide drug harvesting, processing and shipping business. And the private prison industry was built as just one more branch of this.

And it’s no different here. The Oklahoma Legislature keeps adding new felonies to the books, lengthening sentences, putting more and more people behind bars for less and less reason. At the same time, they are cutting funding. There is not a jail facility anywhere in the state not already over-populated, understaffed, and under-funded. We’ve suffered some truly awful rioting over the past, major expensive lawsuits, and we haven’t learned a thing.

Okies are stupid. Most of us know you can’t keep doing this, but we keep allowing the biggest crooks to gain positions of power. A significant percentage of the population has been in jail, and I can assure you most of it wholly unjustified. My son knows it intimately. Having worked in law enforcement myself, I can tell you that is no longer a profession, but an industry. It has huge political interests in manufacturing a fake crisis, boosting numbers with imaginary crimes, taking zero interest in what actually works.

Nobody knows the exact breaking point, but when we hit its, an awful lot of people are going to be shocked. They have chosen to blind themselves to prevent knowing. Today on just about any street I could walk, polling the residents, it would reveal the deep sickness. For example, everyone with relatively young children would be glad to put just about anybody in jail simply because the person strikes them as a little bit creepy “for the children.” Nobody is willing to exercise some intellectual honesty. They don’t want to know what’s real, because fantasy land is more convenient.

We are creating a divided population, where one bunch is the implacable foe of the other. It matters not a whit who is wrong or right on which point of discussion, because this madness inflicts all of Western Civilization. But what we have here is a guaranteed violent warfare at some point, yet one more division pitting hatred against hatred. I look for a major incident any day now, a major riot, a bombing, something to show the frustration of those who cannot get justice at any price. When your own government is your worst enemy, how are you supposed to act?

We have poked God in eye for too long, and He will not remain quiescent.

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