Illegal Israel

This is a follow up to Poor Little Me.

It makes no difference if Israel can justify their actions regarding the Gaza Flotilla and subsequent aid missions under modern laws and human expectations. One standard alone matters: Was it according to the Covenant by which they claim to be a nation?

Israel is quite secular, but she claims to be a nation of Jews. The Bible doesn’t actually use that word “Jew,” since it wasn’t written in English. Still, we all know the term is derived from what should have been translated “Judean.” The identity of a nation since ancient times was a matter of affiliation recognized by the in-group. To be a Judean meant you placed yourself under the laws of Judeans, that being the Covenant of Moses, however corrupt their understanding might be at different times. (BTW, the Treaty of Westphalia and it’s provisions regarding what constitutes a legitimate state and government are all completely against the Bible.)

The God of the Bible permits little argument on this point: To be a member of the Nation of Israel — or what was left of it after God removed the northern kingdom — means obeying His Law. In other words, there is no such thing as a secular Jew. If you are not faithfully practicing the Laws, you are not a Jew. The Law requires ceremonially ostracizing anyone who refuses to abide by the Law, unless they do something to justify execution. The term “Jew” requires being under the Law of Moses. Thus, the entire modern state is illegitimate, as noted in the previous post. However, since it’s all on the stage now, let’s deal with the reality of things. If the modern state of Israel acts contrary to the Law of Moses, they are wrong. Simple as that.

They are judged by the standards well established in the Old Testament. Viewed as a whole, we know modern Israel failed at every step of the way. They did not have a mandate to conquer the inhabitants of the land simply because those inhabitants weren’t Canaanites who sacrificed their children on the altar of Molech, nor worshiped any Baals or Ashtartes, etc. They didn’t have temples with prostitutes of any persuasion, nor did they sin in any of the ways God found worthy of genocide. In other words, whomever was there back in 1900 or so were just fine, and God didn’t call anyone to remove them. The notion there was no one there is a blatant lie.

For Jews to move into the land, they were obliged to do so peacefully. They were obliged to avoid provoking their neighbors, and certainly were not permitted to engage in terrorism. But they did. Look up the name “Irgun” — current members of the Israeli political scene were members of that terrorist organization. Now, granted some of their terrorist acts were against the UK, which was part of the arrogant Western nations thinking they had some divine right to make everyone in the world behave according to their own unbiblical standards, but the point is those claiming to be Jews badly mistreated the local population with zero justification under God’s Laws.

They still do. Look, everyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty can see this whole thing is fake. Mossad is responsible for Hamas (in the same way al-Qaeda is a CIA creation), responsible for every stinking toy rocket flying out of Gaza and the West Bank. Almost everything which appears in the mainstream press, including Wikipedia, is a lie. I don’t say that lightly. I really do wish there was a Jewish population in Palestine living according the Law of Moses. It would prove to all the world how nations ought to conduct their business. Deception is not part of that, yet Mossad’s own motto is “By deception will you make war.” The very meaning of “Orwellian” lies, reversing the standard meaning of words in every language, is drawn from the example of Mossad and Israel. Even the missiles coming out of Lebanon are mostly launched by agents of Mossad. Almost everything you hear in the mainstream press about Israel is a lie, because modern Israel wants to fool the whole world.

So it won’t matter a whit how various nations, maritime laws, etc., view what Israel does with Gaza and the flotilla, because every justification is one Israelis created themselves. What matters is whether Israel is acting according to Moses. I’ll give you hint: They are not even close.

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