Draper High Water Mark

Today was the first spring day I could get back out on the bike. Winds were a bit high, especially on the return leg, but I managed it. There’s nothing new on the bikeway out at Draper Lake, but after a few days of heavy rain, the water level is now quite high. There is a path under the water between that picnic table and the high spot across the water and to the left a bit. I’ve never seen it underwater like this.

This picnic table is visible from the road, though, and I’ve seen it underwater before. It’s been a couple of years, and it has been just about a foot deeper at this spot. What’s odd is that today the winds were pretty stiff from the northwest, gradually turning out of the west, and all along the southeastern shore were places where the heavy waves have done some serious erosion.

This shows the depth gauge and it’s not quite at flood stage for Draper Lake. Still, it’s getting close.

This is the smallest point, which is now just an island with a substantial sandbar you can’t see. With the winds so high I believe the lake is closed to boating. The “chop” is almost two feet high out on the open water.

It was a muddy ride in spots, but I ran across some places where water stood on the streets and I got my tires rinsed off pretty nice. I’ll have to clean my shoes by hand, though.

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