Sometimes I hit those moments when there is so little I can say. It’s not writer’s block. Something in me is at rest, as if some major task is finished. For at least a little while, there is nothing I can say, just stare at what was done and absorb it for what it is.
What I felt called to do for this past decade or so was to give people a way to talk about this kind of faith. I’ve tried to offer examples of words that will capture just enough of the essence of this Radix Fidem life, so that we can have a realistic hope that others can catch it. I’m sure I’ll be adding more to that body of expression, but I sense that it’s mostly done enough to make it work.
I have before me a fresh task, though. It’s building this into a way of faith and religion that stands firm with very little support. Those of us who have embraced the heart-led way are often quite alone in the real world. It’s not that other folks have no convictions, but their faith doesn’t draw them where mine does. I’m so far out there, I sometimes have wondered just who could my audience be in the first place.
It’s good to know that some of you have offered your fellowship, sharing your own experiences of walking through this world and hearing all Creation talk to your heart on that divine wavelength. It’s good to know that other folks can hear the call of Biblical Law in the New Testament stories of Christ. I know that I am most fortunate to have a wife who grasps this. How many of you have that one special person near you who walks the same path?
All my life, one church or another has been my social outlet. That ended about 15 years ago when I was made unwelcome at the last church where I actually had membership. I tried several others, but the door was never really open. They didn’t want me; they wanted something they imagined they could make of me. I gave up on that.
Right now I’m poking around in other kinds of human gatherings where I can be the man God called and not have to worry they’ll run me off. We’ll see where that goes. Perhaps I can stumble into something that will provide new experiences to share with you about how faith moves mountains.
Right now the theme remains: decentralized religion. We must each become the kind of person who can stand alone, and sometimes very quietly, while the world around us goes to Hell. Sometimes the very act of standing in faith itself is the loudest trumpet for the gospel message. It really depends on your calling and mission. Still, Radix Fidem points to something that will tend to isolate us from the mainstream. Be strong. This is not an insignificant calling.
However, I know that once anyone tastes the heart-led way of faith, there’s no going back. Let’s pray for each other.
“However, I know that once anyone tastes the heart-led way of faith, there’s no going back.”
Amen to that. Once my heart opened and Father showed me His gentleness, His love and welcoming Spirit, I began to see and experience a whole new world, His world. This vision of the true reality has given me a new, wonderful life through which I can manage this world’s challenges, no matter how difficult they may be! Following and communing with Him is very very profound.