Truth Is Anti-Semitic

Back before the 2016 elections, I posted on my old blog how I had a strong sense of conviction that Trump had betrayed his divine commission. I can’t find which post that was, but I sensed that he had made a corrupt bargain with the Zionists. I had no evidence, and certainly no details about it, but I just knew it.

Today Ron Unz posted something that provided the details. While pursuing something else altogether, the author of the post — E. Michael Jones — gives us a little history on Trump’s buddy, Bannon:

The role Bannon played in co-opting America First in the interest of Donald Trump’s Jewish backers fit perfectly with the role he played as a founding member of Breitbart news…. After Bannon attended a Trump for president rally in 2015, he understood the force of nationalism which was sweeping the globe and volunteered his services for the Trump campaign. Bannon resurrected the America First message, purged it of the warnings about Jewish influence which made it unacceptable to big Jewish donors like Sheldon Adelson, and then forged it into the ideological backbone of the campaign which put Trump in the White House in 2016. Bannon was the spiritus movens behind the overtly America First ad, replete with pictures of George Soros, which put Trump over the top during the last week of the campaign.

This little nugget conveys to me far more than the words themselves say. It was not just Bannon, but he represented a bigger effort to hijack Trump’s campaign to represent Zionist interests more distinctly, when Trump was not apparently all that interested in Zionism before. I got the distinct impression Trump had been playing to a much wider crowd at first, willing to let the Zionists make some noise, while still trying to cultivate those who weren’t so enthusiastic about Israel. Bannon was part of a larger concerted effort to force Trump to narrow his public image in favor of Zionism.

It’s this kind of thing that Jones has written about for decades. Because I’m a history nerd, I decided to see how hard it would be to get a copy, or even an extract, of his book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. It purports to trace the history of how Jewish leadership have long sought to steer Gentile politics in their favor, typically in secrecy. Turns out that there is a document on the Internet Archives that appears to be that book.

Keep in mind: The definition of “anti-Semitism” is anything that Jews don’t like. If you buy my contention that the identity of Israel has always been the Covenant, and only incidentally a matter of racial lineage (Matthew 3:9), then we are forced to conclude that Zionism is a perversion of Old Testament faith. That makes us anti-Semites, by the standard definition.

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4 Responses to Truth Is Anti-Semitic

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    A book’s availability only in an electronic format is suspicious enough. If it’s even hard to find in that case, all the more suspicious. I found one site that was selling the e-book, but that and the were all I found.

    • ehurst says:

      I tried to chase it down, and I do recall seeing it listed by the publisher at an outrageous high price — $75. The issue is that his print edition is being censored. Amazon has dropped it, as have a couple of others who would normally offer it at a lower price. If you dared, you could probably find it in those little independent shops that carry other forbidden books. The establishment lumps Jones in with Holocaust deniers and Nazis.

      • Jay DiNitto says:

        Does he explicitly deny the Holocaust, or is it guilt by proximity? He’s also still on Twitter and Instagram somehow. Strange.

        • ehurst says:

          I can’t answer authoritatively because I’ve only recently become aware of Jones, but I tend to doubt he says much about the Holocaust. Instead, the Jewish press rants and raves about him being an anti-Semite Catholic who accuses the Jews of all kinds of conspiracies against Gentiles. Here is a representative sample of what they say about him.

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