I’m going to share a burden that has grown quickly in the past few weeks.
Pray first, then think about this. Follow your convictions. All I can offer is what I have, and I fully admit that it’s limited to my own convictions. However, there are people who claim they look to me for pastoral guidance, and I’m fully aware of this burden of responsibility. Thus, I cannot simply speak for myself. The responsibility is much larger than just me.
So if you are inclined to engage my guidance on things, let me offer something rather concrete. We come to a point when it demands specific choices. Insofar as we have a genuine community of faith, and our choices affect each other, we have to make our choices together. I’m inviting you to stay with me, but you have always been free to dissent and step away. Either way, I’m gearing up for something that requires more attention than just sharing ideas.
I’m going to propose some generalities based on what seems most probable from my experience. My convictions tell me that this is one of those horrifying moments when the persecution is very real. This has moved from the domain of fevered imagination into very firm convictions that this is “it” — the moment we’ve all dreaded. It’s happening elsewhere, and it’s being tried here. Obviously I’m referring to the vaccine mandates. I wasn’t too sure about it until recently, but this has become the watershed issue upon which the oppressors have chosen to stand right now.
It’s not as if we are alone; the world is alive with a very fervent resistance. I’m not simply jumping onto that bandwagon. The difficulty here is that we don’t share all of the motivations espoused by the resistance, so we cannot share their plans. But we can certainly learn from them; there will be some overlap. For the time being, any action we might take won’t amount to much, in that we don’t trust any government agency anywhere to do the right thing. On the other hand, some states are prepared to resist the mandates on general principle. That situation is developing right now, so praying about it is all we have.
But I’m not calling for resistance to the vaccine itself in the first place. I’m calling for resistance to what is behind it: the intent to wipe out the majority of the human population. The vaccine is simply the means; if not the vaccines, then something else will become the weapon. The slaughter has begun, and the vaccine will become the focal point for everything we hear about from both official sources, alternative sources, and underground sources. From where we stand as Covenant people, the issue is the demonic effort to seize control of everything in this world. God will not allow them to do this, but they will murder quite a few before the right people decide it has to stop. Meanwhile, we follow a path by which we cling to His divine glory in the midst of this apocalypse.
So first I’ll ask that we all agree that the vaccines are simply a slow-acting murder weapon. God can protect you if your convictions say take the jab. Then again, this may be simply the way He intends to call you home. My point is that the vaccine is a serious threat, but only the current threat in a much bigger plot to depopulate the earth by about 90%.
So, I’ll be talking bad about the vaccines because of how they manifest the larger plot. It remains to be seen what twists and turns this foul narrative will take. The Lord hasn’t shown me very much about it, only the large shadow of evil about to roll over us. Some things I can surmise for the time being, and I’m preparing for those things. The one thing we can do together is sound the alarm that this is all about slaughter.
That brings us to the immediate primary need of our online community: staying in touch. Let me take this moment to remind you that you really should be getting to know each other, not just me. Spend time on the forum interacting with each other; this is your tribe. Contact me or Jay about getting an account; if you post here in the comments requesting it, Jay is likely to send you one in short order. So, this is the first order of business. If the forum is not your style, then reach out to the others by some other means. Some are more private than others, but if you want to encourage folks to get to know you as part of the Radix Fidem community, you can certainly post here in the comments any contact details you like for the benefit of others.
You don’t have to wait for me to tell you what to do about particular issues; confer with the tribe. Don’t stand alone; don’t let others stand alone. Alternative means of communication is important. The level of censorship about the vaccines and vaccine mandates is unprecedented. Just talking about that alone could see this blog shut down, particularly if it were the cause for high traffic. I’ve already called for people to send me snail mail addresses just in case I’m forced to use that route for something like a newsletter to replace this blog.
Along with that, I am requesting prayer for a means to high-volume printing. If not a printer in my home office, I need someone who will offer a printing service, along with the means to move the printed material to the people who want it. Even if the blog and forum remain open, I sense the need to put stuff in print for personal distribution where I live. Pray with me that I can find something affordable that can handle 100 pages or more on a regular basis. (Since I’m running Linux, it probably needs to be a little older hardware, too, unless the manufacturer has good Linux drivers.) I’m not looking for premium grade trendy stuff; I’d be happy with a solid dot-matrix or daisy-wheel printer, as long as the product is readable. I don’t expect to need graphics for any of this.
But more than any of that, let me encourage you once more to get to know each other. Don’t build a dependency on me. There are other folks in this community who can prophesy and offer wise counsel on various issues in human existence. That matters more than anything else we can do right now. You need to fellowship with your covenant tribe about how to face this persecution. I’ll be taking guest posts in the future on ways to think about all of this (let me know if you have something to say).
Meanwhile, expect to hear more about this. Right now, I’m going to recommend yet again this video of an interview with the Australian mortician who not only reveals his unique perspective on what’s going on behind the scenes with vaccine deaths, but also has some important things to say about what he expects with the oppression from the Australian government. Some of have said that Australia is the leading edge of what we should expect in terms of policy from the Global Reset crowd running the show across the West. This man knows he is likely to be killed for his efforts, but he is convinced that going along is even worse. You can catch him in the first 22 minutes of the longer video.
We don’t necessarily share the motives and expectations of this growing resistance movement, but we can learn a great deal from what they have to say about this ugly mess. We aren’t trying to address the wider audience as they do, but those who are ready to hear from the Lord. Our focus is otherworldly.
Finally, I have no idea what the details may turn out to be, but I’m gearing up mentally for some travel to carry this to a mission field in the real world. This is the kind of thing where the Lord has put on my heart to prepare for some short-term trips to meet with people of like faith. My wife and I have a home church, but I sense that what is coming won’t meet in my home. I’ve been praying for the Lord to move some people in my area, and to connect us by some means. Pray with me about this; some of you will run into the same thing where you live. The day is coming.
Thank you, Ed.
The thought struck me the other day while reading something about how to go about applying for religious exemptions to an employer vaccine mandate that the only purpose such an application will serve will be to mark believers so as to single us out for even more intense persecution. After all, we can already see that the rule of (temporal) law is dead, the bodies charged with upholding it being irremediably corrupt and thoroughly co-opted by the murderous Globalist agenda.
The issue of a Covenant body is, to me, of infinitely more pressing urgency. Connecting with like minded believers in “meat space” is a challenge, one that I have not been able to overcome so far. Virtual connections are all that I’ve been able to manage, although I know I’m by no means alone in this handicap. My prayers are for God’s guidance in that direction.
Amen, Bro. You get it.
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