Threats Abound

We can speculate all we like about what God is thinking, but the fact Earth’s magnetic poles are moving is painfully obvious. They are converging toward each other, and the mathematical models suggest the earth’s magnetic field will virtually disappear for a time. That means every creature on the planet that uses the magnetic field for navigation will go nuts, and some already are. And since field = shield, it also means that everything the sun has been spewing at us will no longer bounce off, but will strike the planet directly.

Consider this: A very recent CME caused auroras all the way to the equator, and it wasn’t even a very big CME. That’s a sign that the shield strength is dropping quickly. Our best modeling suggests no later than 2050 for the climax of this disaster, and quite likely in about 15 years from now. Already for the past few years, there has been a big bare spot over the South Atlantic, and solar radiation and particles have been interfering with satellite navigation.

Hint: That big bare spot is the opposite side of the planet from where the two poles are converging, right off the west coast of Malaysia in the Andaman Sea.

Keep in mind: There has always been a constant steady stream of energy and particles washing over the entire solar system, coming from the sun. It can vary just a little in terms of magnitude, but it’s always there. Without the magnetic shield around the earth, all life would have been burned to a crisp long ago.

It is utterly impossible for humans to prepare for this shield reduction on any significant scale. There are simply too many variables, and the scale of threat is beyond our imagination. The best we can guess is that you should build a serious bunker deep underground with no metal reinforcement, since any metal anywhere on the planet will become charged by ambient static electrical charges flooding our atmosphere and ground. If you take metal objects into the bunker with you, store them away from your living area. They will get pretty hot.

This is just a good scientific estimate. More will surely be revealed through prophecy. Of course, if you see the way humans are acting these days, you would surely see such disasters as a relief. The human threats are running off the scale.

You know that our US government has been intentionally provoking Russia and China for quite some time, now. A nuclear exchange could take place as early as this summer, though I suspect the bigger stuff won’t show until later. We know that the rulers are intent on starting a major war, and they most certainly don’t give a damn what happens to us.

There is a sense in which it really doesn’t matter who is pulling the strings. They hate us and want us all gone. Of course, in their calculus, there will always be some who survive, and those must be enslaved. Our mere existence must be punished. This is what moves them, regardless whether they are conscious of it.

This is an apocalypse; there is no stopping it now. This is the background against which we are called to witness to the glory of our God. In the next couple of posts, I’m going to review some of the human threats so we have a better estimate of what God will demand of His covenant people.

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One Response to Threats Abound

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    At this point, a nuclear war would be merciful for the people who don’t care about God, because the end would come instantly for them. Witnessing the Earth and all their toys and attachments get completely trashed is going to put them in the worst spot imaginable–the worst spot before death, anyways.

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