God Is Waiting on Us

We are called to speak the truth about what’s going on in this world. The Lord has revealed what is true: This world is fallen and sinners will sin. Nothing good will ever come of human ambition. Human ambition itself is the open door to Satan and his allies. Fleshly concerns will always lead you to Hell.

But God requires us to use this human existence for His glory. That means we must understand His character and priorities within the context of this fallen human realm. It’s part of the Great Commission to denounce sin for what it is, and to proclaim the path of righteousness. We denounce sin, to include all the ways by which higher powers seek to keep us away from the Covenant.

Do you understand that the one thing Satan and his allies fear is the Covenant? The only thing that binds them without fail is our adherence to Christ’s Law. The battleground is your individual soul; this is true “spiritual warfare”. Satan and his demons are confined to this realm of space-time, and their one ambition is to prolong its existence. And they know clearly what Romans 11 says about the key to bringing on the End of Time: the fullness of the Gentiles entering the Covenant. Paul says that until God’s purpose is completed for locking the Jews out of the Covenant and bringing in the Gentiles, until the Gentile Elect are brought in, we can’t talk about the End of All Things.

Now, don’t misread this. Satan is worried about time; God’s Covenant Kingdom is not. The issue is not a body count of the Elect but the principle of restoration of the Elect from every nation that Israel was meant to win, had they carried out the original mission. It’s not as if God is keeping a secret numerical count; that’s a western obsession. He doesn’t reckon that way when it comes to people. The depiction in the Greek for for “fullness” (plerosis) is more a matter of having the boat full of cargo, or repairing a breach.

The word is also used to denote “fullness of the Spirit”. Thus, think more along the lines of the nature of our self-conquest; part of the burden is on us. We defeat the Enemy by activating the Covenant, by enslaving our fleshly selves. God isn’t making a body count here; He’s watching for something nearly impossible to enunciate in such simple terms. It’s all about our dominance of the flesh by the Spirit.

It’s our witness, first in how we live, and then in how we speak, that becomes the final conquest of our Enemy. By no means is this by our talents and discipline, but by our willingness and eagerness to use the power and authority of God over our own fleshly natures. God is watching for a certain key element of moral victory. Whoever it is among the Elect still among the living humans must win this victory in His name. That’s at least part of what Paul meant by the “fullness of the Gentiles”.

Following that victory, the Elect among Jews will begin a mass return to the Covenant. That’s what Romans 11 tells us, and this is what Satan dreads most. All the other Bible passages about the End of Time rest on this understanding. Satan strives to keep control over the Jews to prevent their restoration to their Messiah.

This is why we never talk about defeating Jews on a fleshly human level. Don’t get bogged down in hating them; pity them as a mass of souls locked away from their inheritance. It was theirs first. But it’s most certainly not theirs now. Just a tiny few are coming to Christ in every generation; what Paul was talking about was a mass conversion, a shocking new Exodus into the Spiritual Promised Land.

If we are going to win them back for Christ, the only path is living and telling the truth. Our primary witness is loving each other as Christ loved us. It’s the expertise we develop for plowing through the flesh and touching each other’s hearts. This is what calls to the Elect. We use that as the basis on which we mention the truth about the rest of the things we see around us. If we do not conquer the flesh and love each other sacrificially, the End will be delayed further. The job will not be done until we reach some level of victory that meets God’s demands.

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One Response to God Is Waiting on Us

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    As you state, fighting against a certain person or people misses the point. God will raise up an antagonist if judgment and punishment is supposed to happen. I’m not really into the idea of getting in the way.

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