Divine Weapon

If one or more Nephilim will serve as the Antichrist, we can easily estimate what to expect from them.

Let me offer a fresh review. The term “elohim” when not referring to our God indicates a whole realm of beings far above humans who populate Heaven. Some of them form the Divine Council of God, while others have lesser roles. A few of them got too involved in human affairs in Genesis 6 and gave birth to the Nephilim. We must rely on Jewish Second Temple mythology to estimate some of the implications of that event. It’s the same mythology read and referenced by the New Testament authors in their writings.

That collective mythology suggests that the rebellious elohim were confined to “the Abyss” — a term depicting some kind of punitive confinement away from the Courts of Heaven. They are not permitted to return to Heaven. When their Nephilim children were eliminated by God’s human servants, their spirits were also confined there. Those disembodied Nephilim became the demons we encounter in our world since then, so their confinement is for them just a step away from our realm of existence.

By their nature, these fallen elohim in the Abyss are hostile to God’s agenda. They are allies of Satan, who was another kind of elohim known in Hebrew as “cherub” — apparently something equivalent to a divine bodyguard. He was the one famously punished (mentioned in a couple of prophecies) and confined to this fallen world. It seems that the Abyss is somewhere within the same realm. These fallen elohim were up to no good from the very beginning. They entered this world precisely for the purpose of carrying out Satan’s agenda.

Satan appears to object strenuously to the very existence of humans. The New Testament refers to him as the source of everything in this world that is deadly, destructive and hinders our faith.

That included all manner of temptations. Naturally, these fallen elohim stuck here with their children would engage in the same crap. Thus, we have Nimrod and his kind. Every where we turn in the Old Testament, the Nephilim were organized against God’s revealed plans. The last one we know about is Goliath, and he was determined to oppose Israel.

It is alleged that these rebellious beings introduced to humans a whole range of evils that violated God’s intentions. They are responsible for a human history of delving into the Darkness, messing around with powers humans can’t normally access. You get an example with the magicians in Pharaoh’s court who faced off against Moses and Aaron.

This is part of the reason God granted His favor and power to defeat the Nephilim. We haven’t seen their kind in a very long time. However, the rebellious members of the Divine Council still in Heaven have also gotten in on the act by raising up human governments and civilizations that have caused as much destruction and mayhem as the Nephilim themselves. The whole point is to keep humans alienated from the gospel message.

Yet, the path remains open for us. Under the hideous Roman government, the Apostles still managed to rescue a great many Elect souls and perform miracles. So, they faced the Judaizers unleashed to pervert the gospel message, and later the Gnostics, and finally the church leaders simply lost their way. Miracles became rare and the Elect were ignored in favor of a very human-directed brand of religion with primarily political goals.

Recently, the power of the otherworldly gospel never completely disappeared. It has again been unleashed, and we have seen a lot of people seeking to escape human political engagement for a very otherworldly focus. The Hebrew mystical perspective has been leaking into the awareness of more ordinary people lately.

You can be sure that Satan, his allies in Heaven, and his servants here in this world will strive to prevent us doing the one thing God has granted us power to do: to love each other the way Jesus did.

I’ve written quite a bit about the cultural differences between us and the people in the Bible. Let me say this one more time: I do not suggest that we specifically imitate the ancient Hebrews. On the one hand, the phrases “living in each other’s armpits” and “recognizing each other by smell” will provide an image of where we should be. On the other hand, I don’t mean that literally.

What I’m suggesting is that we need to find some way to get past the standoffishness of our culture. Northern European folks are very individualistic and stand-alone people, and we have this social stiffness that men can’t literally kiss each other and hold hands the way Hebrews did. We think it means you are queer. Fine, but how are you going to build a path to getting just as close to each other emotionally and spiritually as the Hebrews were?

We are family. How would you propose to engage our natural empathy for each other to the same depth that Jesus had? What can we do to overcome the formal stiffness so that we can ensure our covenant brothers and sisters never forget how much we care? How do we pull together “that which every joint supplies”, as Paul put it. Because this is the one way we can defeat the forces of Darkness. Nothing else can replace that.

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One Response to Divine Weapon

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “It has again been unleashed, and we have seen a lot of people seeking to escape human political engagement for a very otherworldly focus. The Hebrew mystical perspective has been leaking into the awareness of more ordinary people lately.”

    I certainly hope so. Disenchantment with worldly ways of trying to “save” things can only be better off for people in the long run.

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