Jesus on the Clouds

This is worth your time, not quite eleven minutes:

I’ll give you a quick summary. During the Second Temple Period of Judaism, there arose a standard doctrine called Two Powers in Heaven. It was developed prior to the conquest of Alexander the Great, and is rooted in Daniel 7:9-14. You really need to read that for yourself.

It’s an image of the Day of Judgment, which is generally all symbolism, not literal. You have the Ancient of Days, an obvious reference to Jehovah as Creator and Lord of all things. He’s on His throne as Judge. The Beast is judged and destroyed. Then, in verse 13 a human (“son of man”) is brought forward with the clouds (can also be translated “on the clouds”).

He is presented to the Ancient of Days and granted authority as His proxy over the world (human space).

Now, fast forward to Jesus standing before Caiaphas in Mark 14:53-64. The High Priest demands that Jesus answer bluntly whether He claims to be the Messiah. Jesus quotes that passage in Daniel, claiming to be the Second Yahweh. Do you suppose Caiaphas recognized the reference?

Then Heiser relates that sometime after John died around 100 AD, the rabbis called an extraordinary council and declared their established doctrine of Two Powers to be a heresy because of Christian teaching using it.

This doctrine is long forgotten to Jews. Today, they hold to a Kabbalistic doctrine that God is a pair, male and female, and that they have two kids, male and female. As you might guess, the teaching expresses an obsession with sexual activity.

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One Response to Jesus on the Clouds

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Crazy how the Juice changed up their theology when the church started, to avoid having to deal with Jesus’ divinity. Heiser pointed this out near the end. He almost seemed incredulous at the shift.

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