Saddling Up

I had another message ready, but the real world has intruded once again. I believe I should meet the need as it arises.

I suppose most of you are aware that we are on the brink of war in the Middle East. The Israeli government is striving to drag the US into a major regional conflict. They have done their best to provoke everyone they hate, going so far as to assassinate a negotiator they were already talking to. That alone should indicate that Israel’s government desperately wants to be attacked.

If nothing else, the chaos will cause the world to ignore the blatant war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank.

The thing to watch for is how Iran, Syria and Lebanon respond to those provocations. It will escalate quickly once it gets rolling. Moreover, it’s hard to imagine Russia and China won’t do something to protect Syria and Iran as their allies. We might not be able to guess what that support will look like, but I’m quite certain it will be there.

This is not prophecy; I’m hardly the only one who sees things this way. Quite a few others out there have said it could start today, and will almost certainly do so by tomorrow. I’m not affirming the timing here, just pointing out the consensus among those whom I read. It certainly appears to be that close.

In general, their opinion says that the US will lose; the only question is how badly. I still stand by my prophetic warning about the US attacking Iran. If someone invokes nukes, then things will be awful beyond any estimate. It could happen, though I tend to doubt it will. No one is more likely than the US to play that card.

Still, this is not a time to fear, but trust in the Lord. And you may think it odd, but I don’t promote the idea of warning outsiders at this point. The window for repentance is closed on these issues. We have been warning them for a long time already. There’s nothing to gain by standing up later and saying, “We told you.” Rather, it’s a time to be ready for acts of compassion in helping the victims around us who will suffer the consequences of this war.

This is an apocalypse we knew was coming; the Four Horsemen will ride.

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One Response to Saddling Up

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    No fear on this end. It’s a show not everyone’s gets to see. God moves.

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