Relax But Don’t Get Lazy

As is typically the case, Brandon Smith has a good grasp on the problem: Globalists Are Taking The Mask Off And That’s A Bad Sign…. Normally, I take issue with his solutions, but this time, he doesn’t offer one.

His main point is that the attempt to assert control via the false pandemic failed due to miscalculation on the oppressors’ part. They didn’t know just how loud alternative voices could be online. Thus, he warns they won’t make that mistake again. Whatever they try next will take into account the necessity of silencing us.

I’ll let you read it for yourself. I’m keeping an eye on the technology of the Net and ways people are approaching the issue of censorship. There’s really nothing new at the moment. Smith hints at things when he mentions remaining independent. That translates into learning how to avoid as much as possible giving someone else control over your online activities.

We’ve covered that here often enough: prefer Open Source software, consider using a VPN, avoid being pushed into situations that surrender control to outside agencies for anything that matters, avoid tracking online and off. I would add one thing: Don’t be afraid of sounding less than professional so that you depend on grammar software. That’s one area where Open Source is currently lacking. Spelling checkers are everywhere, but grammar checking is a lot harder. Don’t worry about typos and punctuation mistakes. There’s a very strong likelihood people who can read will get what you mean.

It’s a case of relaxing on things that don’t matter, and tightening up on things that do. The latter will cramp your convenience, for sure, but if your operational security is sloppy, you’ll be caught off guard by how the enemy will seize the advantage.

The time for physical violence is long past; if you are worried about the commies taking control, it’s too late. They have control. Right-wing death squads won’t do any good now. But the violence will come around again, and it will be quite different than what could have been done before. Right now, the emphasis is on information warfare.

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