Cause of Resistance

People send me a lot of junk by email. The motivations vary; I don’t mean to slam anyone for thinking something is worth my attention. Sometimes it actually is worth it. Even hucksters sometimes give away something useful in order to make their pitch.

Consider this video. At about 45 minutes, it’s a time sink. It will include toward the end promoting something I cannot support, solutions that I don’t believe will do much good.

For example, I believe that cryptocurrencies are useful only in the short term. They are more like weapons against centralized government. Once you leverage them for some immediate goal, trade them away. Their value will die suddenly when you least expect it. Think of them as expendable.

But the meat of the video is an insider’s revelation of things hidden by our wicked government officials. In summary, the story of the Salk Polio Vaccine is paired with some truly unconscionable “medical” testing of bio-weapons. This physician tells how we came to the place where Fauci was hiding “gain of function” testing in Wuhan, China. He warns that anything involving work with SV40 (a monkey virus) is guaranteed to promote cancer. And it’s quite intentional.

Thus, most new vaccines today are part of a long term campaign to generate millions of new cancer patients, which is where the real money is in industrial medicine. It’s not so much that they intend to kill you outright, but to turn you into a cancer patient so they can milk the system for profits.

You can work out the details of the history he offers in the first 30 minutes or so. I had to watch it twice because of the wealth of details. Then the talk turns to his political advocacy for things like cryptocurrencies and decentralized medical rights. Now, I’m certainly in favor of decentralized medicine, and I agree wholeheartedly with the message to resist any government mandated vaccines, but I don’t hold out much hope for changing the way western governments are doing things.

Rather, I suggest you will face a social and political siege in any future replays of the pandemic game. The next time, we will be forced to consider violence as the means to keeping medical toxins out of our bodies. If there is going to be an armed revolt in America, this will be the cause. Medical or climate based oppression is the best weapon the commies have.

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