God Pranks

Do you understand that God has a sense of humor? The Bible is loaded with puns and sarcasm that most people miss. Job, in the midst of his sorrows, answered one of his harassing friends with something like this: “Oh, yes, you are the models for humanity and all wisdom will die with you.”

God declares that He wants us to be His friends, His family. It is not out of place to imagine that He will play harmless pranks on those close to Him. When He wants to do something amusing, it naturally comes across from the Spirit Realm into our fallen realm. It will bear that signature; the nature of the prank will clearly be a matter of His divine authority at work.

Thus, we have people who have experienced what is called “concurrence” or “synchronicity” — events happening near each other in time, but bound together by a theme or meme, if you will, in your mind. Yes, God can and does arrange these things to make us laugh with Him.

Thus, you may replace your kitchen sink, watch a film in which a boat sinks, and find in your area a sink hole opened up all within a matter of hours. I’ve experienced these kinds of events from time to time. It’s my kind of humor, and I have felt in my heart that God was inviting me to be amused at the collision of small things in a short space of time, each reflecting a theme that I would recognize.

Don’t be surprised when God pulls such a prank on you.

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One Response to God Pranks

  1. I have been working on a piece on this topic for a while now, thanks for the confirmation.

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