Again Missing the Point

Keep things in perspective.

It would be very easy to get riled up about the internal conflict of the federal government. Yes, millions of useless tax eaters are up in arms and actively resisting Trump’s overhaul of the system. I fully expect this to become bloody sooner or later. This is all part of our time of tribulation.

But if your feelings are strong about this conflict, then you don’t understand what matters. All of this is not a battle of good versus evil, of light versus darkness. It is just one evil replacing another. The USA has been an embarrassment to God from the beginning, vehemently rejecting divine revelation. This country has all of the moral corruption of Sodom and Gomorrah with the violent predatory behavior of Assyria. The US is easily the most wicked empire in human history.

The crew working with Trump is not going to roll that back; they are seeking even greater human misery. You thought an army of committed socialist bureaucrats were hard to handle? Our morally filthy federal bureaucracy will be replaced by a soulless AI. It’s only going to get worse. The time is long past for God to judge this country; the world has never before seen the depth of wrath God has saved up for us.

But instead of fire from the sky, the US will destroy itself. It won’t matter how much physical destruction of the infrastructure we see. The greatest destruction will be not so much rubble and dead bodies, but the collapse of the system that makes life worth living for the majority of the people. Those who have embraced the Covenant will never lose their reason for facing the challenges of the day, but we have never seen an empire whose people are so dependent on things that simply don’t matter in the first place. They will imagine that it is worse than death when all their idols go dark and silent.

If you don’t understand, just stop and consider what it is that the current generation must have to make it through their day. God will take that away. Oh, the wailing and gnashing of teeth! It will be a tragicomedy; you won’t know whether to laugh or cry. Of course, I dramatize in order to draw attention away from false visions of apocalyptic destruction and help you see the real moral threats. These things will take time and you will need the full wisdom of the Holy Spirit in your hearts to understand how God is working. The fear mongering you can read in the alt-news is designed to sell survival supplies and so forth; it’s still the worship of Mammon. True prepping is more about sharpening your convictions and your understanding of how God works.

This is the curse, that we live in exciting times. Keep an eye on what matters to faith and covenant.

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