Not Likely to Notice the Coup

Most people are unlikely to notice when the current coup d’etat is complete.

We’ve been experiencing here in the West an incremental coup. It began at different times in different places. Here in the US, the single most significant event was the establishment of the Federal Reserve. It’s a little harder to explain for other parts of the world, and has not yet fully started in some places, but here in America it’s plain as day. But most people haven’t been paying attention, in the sense they don’t recognize it.

At some point the job will be finished.

Most of what follows between now and then will make it all seem as ordinary as it has been so far. In other words, in the minds of most, it will be just one more event in the midst of fear and dread. We really do not have that rebel spirit in the West, and especially not in the US. So America will end in a whimper. Indeed, the trappings of our current governmental processes may not change that much.

Sure, the US will probably be declared bankrupt, or in default, but it’s unlikely you and I will know when it actually happens. The point is, all our future as a nation has already been sold, and the owners will soon take full possession. But they don’t need to announce it, because that would mean a messy transition. So they’ll just incrementally pull in more and more centralized control using the current system as their screen. I’m sure there will be lots of theatrics along the way, but none of it will be the full reality. Even if whole regions of the US secede, the states themselves are already on the hook. We will be slaves nonetheless.

Currently Iceland has some more room to run, because they broke the primary linkage when they repudiated their national debts. I wonder how long that will last. The Irish may do it. The Greeks want to, but I think it’s too late, since all their social institutions are dependent on the mechanism of control. Their “rebellion” is run by unions, which cannot function without a government holding the economic controls, because the whole point is to demand more stuff from the government. It requires the control mechanism be even more pervasive.

That mechanism would be debt, of course. You can have economic growth without borrowing, but it will be slow. From ancient times it was known taking on debt was selling yourself into bondage. Nowadays, we can’t imagine life without it. Pity. We’ll never be free. One world government is almost on our heads, because the US hasn’t the kind of resolve to repudiate the debt, to shutter the Fed and break off using borrowing to get things done. It would mean such a dramatic shift in our fundamental assumptions about life, it would provoke horrific rioting and bloodshed.

So all those folks predicting some kind of revolt between now and some obvious announcement about replacing our government? I think they’ll be disappointed. They aren’t even looking in the right direction, much less watching the real action. There will be some ugly scenes, because agitation and unrest are cyclical, and we are in the upswing on that right now. But it won’t change anything but the window dressing. They won’t even stop pretending it’s fully representative government, with elections between carefully selected team members already under full control of the real government.

This is the way America will be destroyed.

Yes, I do believe this year will see some major events. Some of the biggest of them will be genuine acts of God, as natural disasters escalate beyond our imagination. But I honestly believe sometime this year, the prices will spiral out of control, and the official government debt load will cross some invisible threshold, and the deal will be done. We will become a client state of something much bigger. But everything has been put into place in such depth, and across the board in our daily lives, we’ll never know what hit us. Many will never know after it hits us, because they just don’t have any feeling left.

It doesn’t even have to be absolute. They can afford to have some places pretending to opt out, pretending to repudiate their share of this incalculable debt, but only a precious few parts of this world are capable of self sufficiency. A large enough number of people, all in one area, can’t be unified enough any more to make it stick. Too many can’t do without certain things.

You’ll recognize it when the austerity really sets its teeth in your world. Not just you personally, but everyone around you, everyone you know. The state of dependence for daily existence will be all encompassing. When standing on your own means starting from scratch and rebuilding your way of life, your whole culture and orientation on things, you’ll know that day has arrived. Not to mention it will probably be illegal. It’ll be like living in Gaza. It won’t matter what appearances are, what the propaganda says, or what everyone believes.

When you can no longer opt out of intrusive minute controls over every moment of your day, will you notice? When resistance means sure starvation, because there are pervasive controls over all sources of food and the other necessities of life, will you notice? When there is nothing, absolutely nothing you nor the whole population your entire jurisdiction can do to remove an abusive police officer (or any other functionary) from your local government payroll, short of killing him, will you notice?

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