Step Outside to See In

Our intervention in Libya makes more sense when you understand who is in charge of what we are doing there.

For the Christian Mystic, to be truly objective about the world requires a position external to it. The third pillar of disentanglement provides for standing outside the madness to see it clearly. On the one hand, we understand the injustices from God’s viewpoint of the Laws, but on the other hand, we understand this world is hell bent on defying His Laws. Thus, we can know what is right, but don’t expect anyone else to care, and only get involved because we are compelled by His Spirit. That is, we get involved in whatever way, and on whatever level, our sense of calling demands. It matters not whether there is any human measure of success in our actions, only that we fulfill our individual commitment.

So by embracing the other-worldly view of Christian Mysticism, we can find the wisdom of, say the Prophet Daniel. We may well lack his gifts, but his level of grasp on this world’s affairs is available.

Today I would like to draw your attention to this explanation of our intrusion in Libya’s affairs. If you want to know who and what steers the madness of US government, you really have to understand the PNAC vision of the future. I’ll be one of the first to warn this is not the game plan for all the world’s ruling elite, but the one we Americans have to worry about right now.

Nor does it matter that our government borrowing is unsustainable. As long as the ruling elite are happy with how it is working, it will be sustained. The necessary borrowing authority will always pass through Congress, and the available credit will be there. It’s mostly symbolic of committing the nation to slavery, a commitment of our future productivity or usefulness at whatever level of activity there may be, so that’s certainly in their interests. As to how all this warfare works out is of no consequence in their plans. Making cannon fodder of a whole generation is just a way of increasing the level of ownership over what’s left of our population.

There are similar plans for the rest of humanity.

It’s really very easy to get wrapped up in things like the Truth Movement for 9/11, not to mention all the other political activism causes. Those are the sideshow, the distractions for you and I. When you remind yourself all this nasty tyranny and the rising police state has been decreed as the moral justice heaped on the West in general, and the US in particular, a punishment for our generations of devotion to mere material progress, and a willingness to flout all moral limits in pursuit of that progress, you are unsurprised at any of the increasingly horrifying things government officials decide for us. In Christian terms: The descent of America into crushing tyranny is itself God’s wrath, and we are not to resist it in the sense of open rebellion. It’s what the nation deserves. There’s nothing wrong with symbolic gestures, as long as you don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t hope for turning things around, and don’t give yourself to any other political causes; don’t be entangled.

I fully expect to see troops committed to Libyan soil. Rather than distract ourselves fighting the inevitable, let us rather decide whether it will engage our individual callings, or sense of compelling necessity on the higher level. Within the given context, what part do we each play in our pursuit of ultimate truth and human compassion? How do we find and help those select few with a capacity to see and understand?

Step outside the stream and you can see things flowing by meant for you. You can make peace while the world descends into the madness of constant war.

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